POSTED BY on 7:26 PM under ,
Well, folks, I'm heading off on Christmas vacation. I'll be back at the new year, and I promise to have some good audio for you. Until then, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year, and leave you with some music, courtesy of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music.

Christmas formulary
  • Introitus: Puer natus (Graduale Romanum)
    Time: 2:41 - 2.500 Mb
    Virum Schola Cantorum Pontificii Instituti Musicæ Sacræ; Mons. Alberto Turco, director.
    Gennaro Becchimanzi, Igor Glushkov, Blazenko Juracic, Raimundo Pereira (soloist), Hubert Siekierka, Djedje Thomas, Jan Velbacky.
  • Psalmus Responsorius: Tecum principatus (Graduale Simplex)
    Time: 1:28 - 1.390 Mb
    Schola Gregoriana of Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music; Nino Albarosa e Mons. Alberto Turco, directors.
    Mun-Joung Park soloist.
  • Alleluia: V. Dies sanctificatus (Graduale Romanum)
    Time: 2:05 - 1.970 Mb
    Virum Schola Cantorum Pontificii Instituti Musicæ Sacræ; Mons. Alberto Turco, director.
    Gennaro Becchimanzi, Igor Glushkov, Blazenko Juracic, Raimundo Pereira (soloist), Hubert Siekierka, Djedje Thomas, Jan Velbacky.
  • Offertorium: Adeste fideles
    Arranged by Domenico Bartolucci
    Time: 3:16 - 3.860 Mb
    Polyphonic Choir of Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music; Walter Marzilli, director.
  • Communio: Viderunt omnes (Graduale Simplex)
    Time: 1:37 - 1.520 Mb
    Mulierum Schola Cantorum Pontificii Instituti Musicæ Sacræ; Nino Albarosa, director.
    Letizia Butterin (soloist), Miriam Cicchitti, Eun-Young Cho, Mun-Joung Park, Hi-Jung Jun, Hye-Jung Son, Akiko Tomita

  • Valentino Miserachs Grau: Et incarnatus
    from symphonic poem Nadal (1987)
    Durata: 6:19 - 2.970 Mb
    Choirs "Cantori materani" and "Cor Artesenc"; Valentino Miserachs Grau, director.
    Live recording made at Rats de Rei (Catalona) 1988.
  • Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877-1933): Vom Himmel Hoch
    Time: 3:10 - 2.970 Mb
    Federico Del Sordo, organ.
  • La Nit de Nadal
    Versione di Valentino Miserachs Grau
    Durata: 1:18 - 1.230 Mb

Advent formulary
  • Introitus: Rorate caeli (Graduale Romanum)
    Time: 2:10 - 2.050 Mb
    Mulierum Schola Gregoriana Pontificii Instituti Musicæ Sacræ; Nino Albarosa, director.
    Letizia Butterin (soloist), Miriam Cicchitti, Eun-Young Cho, Mun-Joung Park, Hi-Jung Jun, Hye-Jung Son, Akiko Tomita.
  • Psalmus Responsorius: Veni ad liberandum (Graduale Simplex)
    Time: 0:54 - 850 Kb
    Schola Gregoriana del Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra; Nino Albarosa e Mons. Alberto Turco, directors.
    Raimundo Pereira soloist.
  • Alleluia: V. Complacuisti (Graduale Simplex)
    Time: 0:46 - 730 Kb
    Schola Gregoriana del Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra; Nino Albarosa e Mons. Alberto Turco, directors.
    Letizia Butterin soloist.
  • Offertorium: Mottetto Rorate caeli
    Musica di Valentino Miserachs Grau
    Time: 3:16 - 3.060 Mb
    I Cantori del Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra; Walter Marzilli, director.
    Steingrimmur Thorhallsson, Igor Glushkov (soloist), Ugo Patti, Blazenko Juracic.
  • Communio: Dicite pusillanimes (Graduale Romanum)
    Time: 2:12 - 2.060 Mb
    Virum Schola Gregoriana Pontificii Instituti Musicæ Sacræ; Mons. Alberto Turco, director.
    Gennaro Becchimanzi, Igor Glushkov, Blazenko Juracic, Raimundo Pereira (soloist), Hubert Siekierka, Djedje Thomas, Jan Velbacky.
UPDATE: It has come to my attention that the following programs are hosted by the same wonderfully Catholic woman, Genevieve Kineke (author of The Authentic Catholic Woman), who runs the Feminine-Genius blog. Do check her out!

Dale O'Leary

Culture War (Part 1) (Part 2)

Forgiveness (Part 1) (Part 2)

Friendship (Part 1) (Part 2)

Gender (Part 1) (Part 2)

Pedophilia 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Pedophilia 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Art (Part 1) (Part2)

Priesthood/ Same Sex Attraction (Part 1) (Part2)

Rev. Paul Desmarais

Occult 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Occult 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Donna Olobri

Menopause (Part 1) (Part2)

Women & Aging (Part 1) (Part2)

Maggie Mahrt

Saint Therese I

Saint Therese 2

Sr. Jane Culligan

Examination of Conscience (Part 1) (Part2)

Reconciliation (Part 1) (Part2)

Rev. Giacomo Capoverdi, Jr.

Right to Life (Part 1) (Part2)

Vocation (Part 1) (Part2)

World Youth Day 2002 (Part 1) (Part2)

Brown Scapular (Part 1) (Part2)

Joyce Percival

Cancer Survivor 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Cancer Survivor 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Rev. Marcel Taillon

Priesthood I (Part 1) (Part 2)

Priesthood 2 (Part 1) (Part 2)

Maria Parker

Life Issues 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Life Issues 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Mary Sheehan

Life Issues

Georgette Fornay


Molly Parnell

Feminists for Life

Sr. Dorothy Schwarz

Spiritual Life (Part 1) (Part2)

Vocation (Part 1) (Part2)

Sr. Mary Clement

Evangelization 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Evangelization 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Rev. Joel Lecuivre

Annulments 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Annulments 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Dona Le Boeuf

Life Issues 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Life Issues 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Patricia Wolfert

Witness (Part 1) (Part2)

Susan Boczar

Gabriel Project (Part 1) (Part2)

Arlene Hebert

Creighton NFP 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Creighton NFP 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Dr. Donald DeMarco

Virtue (Part 1) (Part 2)

Personalism (Part 1) (Part 2)

Conscience (Part 1) (Part 2)

Forgiveness (Part 1) (Part 2)

Rev. Thomas Trepanier

Pius XII I (Part 1) (Part2)

Pius XII 2

Dr. Jeremiah Lowney

Haitian Health Foundation 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Haitian Health Foundation 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Stephen Schwarz

Gratitude (Part 1) (Part2)

Pro Life (Part 1) (Part2)

Senator Catherine Graziano

Catholic Legislatures (Part 1) (Part2)

Pro-Life Issues (Part 1) (Part2)

Maureen Hogan

Adoption (Part 1) (Part2)

Lora Morgan

Witness (Part 1) (Part2)

Young Adult Ministry (Part 1) (Part2)

Dr. Michelle Cretella

Stem Cell (Part 1) (Part2)

Witness (Part 1) (Part2)

Cloning 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Cloning 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Deacon Stephen Cote

Marriage Prep 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Marriage Prep 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Lisa & Keith Kline

Youth Ministry (Part 1) (Part2)

Catholic Marriage (Part 1) (Part2)

Jean Cedor

Education (Part 1) (Part2)

Brian & Phyllis Calvey

Catholic Story Tellers 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Catholic Story Tellers 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Beverly Munyon

Prison Ministry 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Prison Ministry 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Joan Pendergast & Dr. Sheila Kuzmik

Rachel’s Vineyard 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Rachel's Vineyard 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Kathryn Wrobel

Reconciliation 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Reconciliation 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Bud & Kim Miller

Infertility (Part 1) (Part2)

Adoption (Part 1) (Part2)

Peg Lavallee

RI Right to Life (Part 1) (Part2)

Barbara Burgess

Pro-Life I (Part 1) (Part2)

Pro-Life 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Alberta DiMuccio

Friendship (Part 1) (Part2)

Amparo & Lopez

Legion of Mary I (Part 1) (Part2)

Legion of Mary 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Rev. James Ruggieri & Therese Cotnoir

Blackstone Valley Cath. Worker 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Blackstone Valley Cath. Worker 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Madeline Nugent

Saint's Stories (Part 1) (Part2)

Brothers & Sisters of Penance (Part 1) (Part2)

Marian Desrosiers

Witness (Part 1) (Part2)

Chastity (Part 1) (Part2)

Lillian McIntyre

St. Philip School (Part 1) (Part2)

Jane Wilcox

Suffering (Part 1) (Part2)

Jamie & Matthew Friel

Witness (Part 1) (Part2)

Couple to Couple League (Part 1) (Part2)

Terry Mac Lellan

Natural Family Planning (Part 1) (Part2)

Witness (Part 1) (Part2)

Susan Conroy

Mother Teresa 1 (Part 1) (Part2)

Mother Teresa 2 (Part 1) (Part2)

Mother Teresa Beatification I (Part 1) (Part 2)

Mother Teresa Beatification 2 (Part 1) (Part 2)

Ruth Oakley

Mission Ascent (Part 1) (Part 2)

Genevieve Kineke

Vocation of Women I (Part 1) (Part 2)

Vocation of Women 2 (Part 1) (Part 2)

Vocation of Women 3 (Part 1) (Part 2)

Vocation of Women 4 (Part 1) (Part 2)

Vocation of Women 5 (Part 1) (Part 2)

Vocation of Women 6 (Part 1) (Part 2)

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