on 3:02 PM
From AmPap:
If you haven't yet signed the petition to support USD's correct decision, please consider doing so. If you have, tell a friend. It only takes a few seconds and requires an email address (no spam I promise).Thanks in advance for your two minutes!
I promote this not only because it's a good cause in itself, but also because I'd like to see the online Catholic community become better organized when it comes to petitions like these. They do make a difference.
Today, LifeSiteNews joined the news organizations which have mentioned our efforts:Previous AmP coverage of this story here.Although the Catholic University of San Diego (USD) came under fire for reversing their decision to appoint a radical feminist to an honorary chair in Theology, it has stood firm, and now two opposing petitions either supporting or attacking the decision are gathering support.
Thomas Peters of American Papist, with fellow blogger Brian McDaniel of the Ora et Labora blog, has organized a petition to support the University in its decision.
Thanks for posting. I am not always up to date on situations like this.
If USD appointed any feminist to a chair in theology, they would be selling their souls for 30 pieces of scholarship. I am so happy they did not. Maybe my sacrifices and almsgivings are working! Tom