Here's the EWTN series by the author of the book. I gave the book a listen a couple years ago and it was exceedingly interesting -- you'd never believe the things you never knew.
Check out the series by Prof. Thomas Woods here.
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I discovered your site. Thank you for a wonderful resource. Do you know if the Woods book: How the Church etc. is available in mp3? I was very interested in your page on realaudio conversion to mp3: like your posted messages, I would like to use ewtn library. I was scared off your converters by the post about spy ware. Any updates?
Fr. Mike
You'll most likely be able to get "How the Church..." on audiobook from your local library -- that's how I got it. At this point, if you can find the audiobook online it's almost certainly a pirated copy (and therefore illegal).
Alternately, you can buy it on MP3 from Audible ( Audible used to have a "join now get X books free" deal, but now I think that plan is expired. Might be worth additional searching, though...
As for the conversion programs and spyware, I've never had a problem with them. I also use SpyBot S&D pretty regularly, so that may be why.
God Bless,