Relevant Radio Interviews Msgr. Schmitz about Pope Benedict XVI [MP3]
During the coverage of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the United States in April, 2007.- EWTN's Theology Roundtable: "Motu Proprio on the Traditional Latin Mass" [MP3]
Host Colin Donovan leads a roundtable discussion, which includes Msgr. Michael Schmitz, on the motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum" on September 12, 2007. - Catholic Answers Live: "The Growing Popularity of the Classical Roman Rite" [MP3]
Discussion of the growing popularity of the Classical Roman Rite with Msgr. Michael Schmitz, Vicar General of the Institute, on May 4, 2007. - Relevant Radio's Morning Air [MP3]
Interview on the growth of the Classical Mass and traditional priestly orders with Msgr. Michael Schmitz on May 22, 2006. - Catholic Answers Live: "The Evil One" [MP3]
Interview with Msgr. Michael Schmitz about the devil and his snares on August 6, 2007. - "The Evil One, His Existence, His Being, and His Snares" [MP3]
Conference by Msgr. Michael Schmitz at the St. Louis Marian Conference in January, 2006. Order from MPTrinity by calling (231) 869-4678. - "Growth in the Spiritual Life is in Mary" [MP3]
Conference by Msgr. Michael Schmitz at the St. Louis Marian Conference in January, 2006. Order from MPTrinity by calling (231) 869-4678. - Lenten Retreat in Pittsburgh
Preached by Msgr. Michael Schmitz during Lent, 2008.