POSTED BY on 10:31 PM under ,
Following in the same vein as my last post, here are some debates about the existence of God featuring Antony Flew. I'm posting them because I've heard of Flew but I've never heard Flew. Here's about all I know (taken from his Wikipedia page):

Professor Antony Garrard Newton Flew (born 11 February 1923) is a British philosopher. Belonging to the analytic and evidentialist schools of thought, he is notable for his works on the philosophy of religion.

Flew was a strong advocate of atheism, arguing that one should presuppose atheism until evidence of a God surfaces. He has also criticised the idea of life after death,[1] the free will defence to the problem of evil, and the meaningfulness of the concept of God.[2] However, in 2004 he stated an allegiance to deism,[3] and later wrote the book There is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind, with contributions from Roy Abraham Varghese.
So let's see what made him the forerunner of the New Atheist movement, shall we?

Atheist Theist Video Audio Text Year Notes

Antony Flew William Lane Craig link link book 1998
Antony Flew Terry L. Miethe

book 1991
Antony Flew Thomas Warren link link
1976 8 hours!
Antony Flew Gary Habermas link link book 2003 resurrection
POSTED BY on 9:57 PM under ,
So I happened on an atheist audio debate site that has 400+ debates between theists and atheists, including several by my favorite atheist debater Christopher Hitchens. It's just so hard not to like the guy. Of the debates of his I've heard, the 2007 one with Catholic Dinesh D'Souza is my favorite (for entertainment purposes only) -- though I hear the debate between Hitchens and Protestant William Lane Craig (not listed below) at Biola earlier this year was the best in content and form. I'm still looking for that one.

But without further ado, here are the links to the Hitchens debates:

Atheist Theist Video Audio Text Year Notes

Christopher Hitchens William Lane Craig & others link link
2009 Panel Discussion
Christopher Hitchens Al Sharpton link link
Christopher Hitchens Paul Edwards

Christopher Hitchens Dinesh D’Souza link link
Christopher Hitchens Marvin Olasky link link
Christopher Hitchens Douglas Wilson link 1 2 3 pdf 2008
Christopher Hitchens Douglas Wilson

link 2007
Christopher Hitchens Kenneth Miller

link 2008 science and religion
Christopher Hitchens Lorenzo Albacete link link
2008 science and religion
Christopher Hitchens Alister McGrath

Christopher Hitchens Ed Doerr

Christopher Hitchens Dennis Prager

Christopher Hitchens Mark Roberts
1 2 3

Christopher Hitchens Chris Hedges

Christopher Hitchens David Allen White
link link 2007 impact of Christianity
Christopher Hitchens Peter Hitchens link link
2007 only partly about religion
Christopher Hitchens Frank Turek link link
Christopher Hitchens Shmuley Boteach link link
Christopher Hitchens David Wolpe link link
Christopher Hitchens Dinesh D’Souza link dvd link
Christopher Hitchens John Lennox dvd

Christopher Hitchens John Lennox dvd

Christopher Hitchens Dinesh D’Souza & Dennis Prager link link
POSTED BY on 12:22 PM under , ,
Here's another debate featuring the atheist rapier of wit Christopher Hitchens and Reformed pastor Douglas Wilson, found at the Protestant Westminster Theological Seminary.


Click here to play video
Hitchens Wilson

You can listen to the introduction by Scott Oliphant

Full debate

and the Q & A session
POSTED BY on 12:10 PM under ,
Found on Principium Unitatis:
Last night some Catholics (including my family and I) and some Protestants from different Protestant traditions attended Professor Lawrence Feingold's lecture titled "St. Paul on Justification". The lecture was fantastic. The audio (as an mp3 file) can be downloaded here.
Justification is the fundamental issue that has divided Protestants and Catholics for almost 500 years. In order to be reconciled in the full communion Christ wants His disciples to show to the world, we need to reach agreement on this subject. And that means that we first need to listen and understand each other on this subject. Here's an opportunity to do just that.

POSTED BY on 9:25 PM under
As a reminder, you can get a copy of Janet Smith's talk CONTRACEPTION: WHY NOT on CD for free from the folks at One More Soul. Makes a good item to inconspicuously slip into that book on your friend's desk.

...just sayin'.

It appears the talk is no longer available there. Listen to
it free online HERE.
POSTED BY on 9:54 PM under
May God richly bless Fr. Corapi in this age and in the age to come.

POSTED BY on 11:31 PM under ,
Filipino Catholic, a frequent tipster here at Sonitus Sanctus, sent me a link to the following debate. I listened to it and then forgot about it. Thankfully, FC reminded me that I didn't share. That said, here ya' go:
Ben Douglass / Patrick Donahue
March 14, 2009

Sola Scriptura

Flyer For Debate Download
Donahue's First Affirmative Listen
Douglass' First Negative Listen
Donahue's Second Affirmative Listen
Douglass' Second Negative Listen
Douglass Cross Examines Donahue Listen
Donahue Cross Examines Douglass Listen
Donahue's Third Affirmative Listen
Douglass' Third Negative Listen
Donahue's Closing Listen
Douglass' Closing Listen

POSTED BY on 8:46 AM under , , ,

Here is the next talk from the folks at Fullness of Truth. If you haven't subscribed to their podcast, you need to -- it really does bring you the best Catholic presenters in the country today.

Shawn Carney

Episode No. 7: Catholics, Culture, and You!

Part 1:

Listen Here!

Download this show here

Part 2:

Faced with a society that is rapidly declining, and opposing what we hold most dear, Sean Carny exhorts us, today in part 2, in his talk on "Catholics, the Culture, and You" to rise up and defend the Church.

Listen Here!

Download this show here

For more information on Shawn Carney go to:

Special thanks to Eric Genuis for his music which was used in the background of this show. Please also visit his webiste at

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