Filipino Catholic, a frequent tipster here at Sonitus Sanctus, sent me a link to the following debate. I listened to it and then forgot about it. Thankfully, FC reminded me that I didn't share. That said, here ya' go:
Ben Douglass / Patrick Donahue
March 14, 2009
Sola Scriptura
| Flyer For Debate | Download | |
| Donahue's First Affirmative | Listen | |
| Douglass' First Negative | Listen | |
| Donahue's Second Affirmative | Listen | |
| Douglass' Second Negative | Listen | |
| Douglass Cross Examines Donahue | Listen | |
| Donahue Cross Examines Douglass | Listen | |
| Donahue's Third Affirmative | Listen | |
| Douglass' Third Negative | Listen | |
| Donahue's Closing | Listen | |
| Douglass' Closing | Listen |
Hehe! No problem sir, anything to help fellow Catholics. I always advertise your websites to fellow Filipino Apologists, Catholics, and priests.
I always tell them that this is THE BEST CATHOLIC MP3 SITE in the net today!
God bless you and may you continue to spread the message of the Lord!
Thanks for the post.
But this reminded me why I rarely listen to debates.
The Protestant was unable to defend Sola Scriptura so resorted to attacking the Catholic Church with straw men and ad hominem arguments. He also appeared to misrepresent Catholic teaching on several occasions.
The Catholic did an admirable job of defending the Church but should have kept the argument focused on the unscriptural status of Sola Scriptura.
This is the third Sola Scriptura debate with Donahue that I have heard. They all go the same way.
Catholic attacks Sola Scriptura, he attacks Church history but does not defend Sola Scriptura. meh.
I pray for him. He seems like a nice guy other than the Catholic-bashing ("Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln"). Wrong, but nice.
It was not the best debate I've ever heard. In all honesty I didn't even finish it really. Neither seemed to be addressing the other's arguments.
As an interested protestant I was hoping they'd actually debate whether or not sola scriptura is a tenable position to have, but unfortunately the protestant guy simply ralphed all over the issue, using scripture with wild and reckless abandon, drawing out meaning that couldn't possibly have been the intention of the writers and was never understood as any sensus plenior by the early church. That and he displayed over and over again his lack of understanding when it came to Catholic teaching. He seems to liken papal infallibility to the dictation theory of scripture, both of which are way off.
patrick donahue used almost the same arguments he used when he debated john matignoni(twice) and gerry matatics... ben douglas fared better in this debate for he was able to explain the difference between dogma and discipline,weakened mr. donahues argument on mental reservation and was kind of unprepared for mr. douglas argument that oral revelation ended with the death of the last apostle.. but mr.douglas could have done better with the cross examination
I'm a little under what it says Anonymous...