Now I know we're a few days in already, but you've gotta' hear some of these:
056 08-05-12 Octaves – Fr. Z rants & Augustine on Pentecost – PENTECOST MONDAY
057 08-05-13 John Paul II on the unforgivable sin; Our Lady of Fatima and the vision of Hell – TUESDAY
058 08-05-14 Ember Days; Chrysostom on St. Matthias; Prayer to the Holy Spirit – WEDNESDAY
059 08-05-15 Leo the Great on Pentecost fasting; Benedict XVI’s sermon for Pentecost SundayTHURSDAY
060 08-05-16 Pentecost customs; St. Ambrose on the dew of the Holy Spirit – FRIDAY
061 08-05-17 Pope Leo I on a post-Pentecost weekday; Fr. Z rambles not quite aimlessly for a while – SATURDAY –
Here's a link to the rest of Fr. Z's stuff. Now go find out how much about Catholicism you still don't know...