POSTED BY on 7:02 AM under ,
A deacon requests advice on how best to explain the faith to people who want to become Christian, how to know how he's doing at it, and how to keep it interesting both to them and himself.

Augustine's answer touches on all sorts of things, from teaching, public speaking, and linguistics to salvation history and the psychology of converts. Interesting and useful stuff!

Translated by the Rev. C.L. Cornish, 1847.

Whole ItemFormatSize
AugUnlearned_128kb.m3u128kbps M3UStream
AugUnlearned_64kb.m3u64Kbps M3UStream
AugUnlearned_64kb_mp3.zip64Kbps MP3 ZIP78.9M

Audio Files128Kbps MP3Ogg Vorbis64Kbps MP3
Part 1: General Thoughts about Teaching24.5M17.0M12.3M
Part 2: Teaching Approaches Differ According to Student Background21.7M15.4M10.9M
Part 3: Staying Cheerful and Enthusiastic about Teaching32.6M22.8M16.3M
Part 4: Sample Lecture -- Heaven, Hell, and Eden.24.1M17.2M12.0M
Part 5: Sample Lecture -- Salvation History32.3M22.2M16.1M
Part 6: Conclusion22.6M16.1M11.3M
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