Gerry Matatics is a (now Sedevacantist) Catholic Convert. Before his turn to the more-Catholic-than-the-Pope side, he was a fairly able debater. Here's a debate he did against Dave Hunt, a virulent anti-Catholic.
The Debate:
This is from Dave Hunt's site, so I have no idea if it has been edited.
The Debate:
| The Hunt Vs.Matatics Debate-01 Roman Catholism | 1:24:20 | 9.6 | English | |
| The Hunt Vs.Matatics Debate-02 Roman Catholism | 1:20:25 | 9.2 | English | |
| The Hunt Vs.Matatics Debate-03 Roman Catholism | 0:18:01 | 2.6 | English |
This is from Dave Hunt's site, so I have no idea if it has been edited.