Here are some Lectio Divina podcasts from Vivificat:
This is my first podcast/webcast in English. May it not be the last!
It consists of a Lectio Divina or "Divine Reading" of next Sunday's Gospel, 5th Sunday of Easter, AD 2007 - Year "C." We have discussed Lectio Divina in a previous post, aptly named What is Lectio Divina? and also discussed the traditional senses of Scripture in The four senses of Scripture. Now, we put it all together in this podcast!
I borrowed the brief explanations on Lectio DivinaThe Fish Eaters' site, a "traditionalist" Catholic site with some contents I find erroneous, incomplete, or tendencious, but whose presentation on Lectio Divina was otherwise pretty good. I took the reading from the 2007 Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers, but I'll probably switch to another Catholic version in future podcasts because the readings are based on the NAB and I am not sure about the limitations the powers-that-be may put on reading this version aloud on-line.
This podcast is approximately 21 minutes long. I intend to keep future podcasts at about 10 minutes. This one lasted that long because I had to explain the different "steps" of Lectio Divina as I went through it. I apologize for all technical blunders beforehand. I am still exploring my sound suite and I haven't discovered all the tricks, shortcuts, and techniques. Some transitions are less than perfect, so adjust your volume accordingly.
My accent is also less than perfect, and so is my English pronunciation. Sure, I've been speaking our English language for over 20 years. The learning process never ends! If my accent bothers you, think some obscure Spanish-speaking aspiring contemplative, who dragged himself from his cell in order to share a little bit of what goes on in his heart with you. which I share with you in this podcast from
Lectio Divina for the 5th Sunday of Easter, AD 2007
You may also dowload the entire MP3 file to play in your computer or in your MP3 player or I-Pod, from here.Lectio Divina of Psalm 36
Or, you may right-click here and save the target to disk, so that you can listen to it in your computer using your favorite MP3 software, or transfer it to your I-Pod or MP3 Player to listen to it while on the move.Lectio Divina of the First Reading of Pentecost Sunday Mass, AD 2007
OriginalOffice of Readings for the Memorial of St. Bernard, Abbot
You may now download a meditative reading of the second reading of today's Office of Readings, from a sermon by St. Bernard, from here and then listen to it on your computer or transfer it to your favorite MP3 player device.Lectio Divina of Psalm 77
You may right click here and download it to your computer to listen to it or to transfer it to your MP3 playing device.Lectio Divina of Psalm 84
You may right click here and download it to your computer to listen to it or to transfer it to your MP3 playing device.Lectio Divina of Psalm 10
You may listen to it by saving the MP3 file from the target here to your computer to transfer to your MP3 player of your choice.
Wow! Thank you for the links!
Thank you for guiding us beginners through Lectio Divina. This is an answered prayer. God bless you!