POSTED BY on 9:55 PM under
Unless mine is the only Catholic blog you go to, you've probably seen the following video:

The folks who made it sent out the following letter:

Dear Member,

I’m in Washington for the March for Life, but I just had to stop for moment and give you an update on our latest ad. The response has been tremendous.

On our website, the comment forum has been buzzing, with a few visitors challenging us to try and air our new ad during the Super Bowl.

Well…we like to dream big, but it may be difficult to raise $3 million in a week. But we do know that our ad is making people stop and think -- especially supporters of Barack Obama. We are convinced that we can make a big difference with his ad campaign. And that can only happen with your support.

Can you chip in?

In only three days, over 250,000 viewers have watched the ad online, and we reached the “Top 10 Most Viewed” on YouTube on Inauguration Day!

The ad ran on Black Entertainment Television, and will be airing on CNN and FOX News in Chicago this weekend. The ad will also air on EWTN today.

We must remember that being right isn’t enough. We must find new methods and new ways to express the eternal truths, to new audieneces. We are seizing this historic moment with a powerful message to defend the sanctity of human life.

And this is only the beginning…


Brian Burch

P.S. Have you ever heard the phrase, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink?” It means there’s some people you just can’t reach. Recently, a member of our creative team rejected this defeatism saying: “No way… I can make him drink! Take the horse the long way…on a really hot day!”

We need to be just as savvy in delivering the pro-life message. Our latest ad has the ‘audacity’ to challenge every American to embrace life. Please support us today.

Please try to do what you can.

1 comments so far:
    Anonymous January 22, 2009 at 10:24 PM , said...

    Hey! If everyone who has already seen the video were to donate $12, that would be the $3M they need!

    So let's do it!!!!!


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