Since I'm getting more visitors these days, I thought I'd take the opportunity to bump this old post back to the top. The following are links to Peter Kreeft's site, and each one is worth listening to three or four times. This guy is good in a way that you simply don't find -- he'll blow your hair back. If he doesn't, let me know and I'll refund your money, no questions asked.
- How to Win the Culture War — A call to arms, identifying the real enemies and mapping key battlefields
- Divine Truth—The Heart's Deepest Longing — Explores the nature of self, subjective truth, objective truth and Christ as the Truth
- Ecumenism Without Compromise — Denominationalism is not just a Christian scandal, but absolutely intolerable
- 10 Uncommon Insights Into Evil from Lord of the Rings — Calls attention to Tolkien's great words reminding us about forgotten wisdom on evil
- A Refutation of Moral Relativism — TRANSCRIPTION ADDED 1/27/07 — Not just a strong case against it, but a refutation of the philosophy that no society has ever survived
- Christ's Concept of Happiness vs The World's — What is the meaning of happiness? How do you get it?
- Making Sense Out of Suffering — Tackles questions related to the nature of suffering, evil and sin
- Arguments for God's Existence — Five classic defenses for believing in God
- Women and the Priesthood — Why "only boys can be the daddies"
- Aquinas and the Angels — There may be more to angels than it seems
- Moral Theology and Homosexuality — Traditional moral wisdom for modern moral confusion
- The Sea and Spirituality — A unique meditation on the sea as an icon of God
- Lost in the Cosmos — Contrasts two classics, Walker Percy's Lost in the Cosmos and C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man, on the topics of Natural Law, humor and irony, direct and indirect communication, the nature of self, knowing vs. knowing about, and others
- Mere Christianity — Next to the Bible, C.S. Lewis's masterpiece receives Dr. Kreeft's highest recommendation
- The Problem of Pain — A commentary on C.S. Lewis's brilliant exposition on the problems of suffering and evil
- Till We Have Faces — A commentary on C.S. Lewis's solution to evil, worked out in fiction. Also deals with the fascinating question "Why does God wear disguises?"
- A Grief Observed — C.S. Lewis's personal and honest account of the loss of his wife, and how God deepened his love
- God's Existence — A magnificent overview of the arguments
- Pro-Life Philosophy — The philosophical case against abortion — TRANSCRIPTION ADDED 3/1/07; ALTERNATE AUDIO VERSION ADDED
- Time and Eternity — C.S. Lewis's insights on these intriguing topics
- The Cosmic Dance — C.S. Lewis's joyful cosmology of femininity and masculinity
- The Imagination — C.S. Lewis and the power of creative images
- Desire — The innate hunger for total joy
- Sex in Heaven — Imaging the fire of God's love
- The One Thing Needed — Life's most important activity
- The Dark Side — Shining light on three kinds of evil:
suffering, death and sin - The Good, True and Beautiful — C.S. Lewis on the three great transcendentals
- Christianity in Lord of The Rings — Apologetics in Tolkien's classic
- Fated and Free — The intregration of predestination and freewill; an insightful perspective via Lord of the Rings
- Identity — The paradoxical nature of self
- Language of Beauty — NEW — Prose that no writer will want to miss! The power of words revealed by Lord of the Rings
- Prayer for Beginners — NEW! — The practice of God's presence
- The Word — NEW! — Scripture as a living portrait
- Philosophy: Handmaiden of Theology — NEW! — An interview about the love of wisdom
- Heaven — NEW! — The heart's deepest longing
Fantastic, Fantastic, Fantastic
Peter Kreeft is like a living CS Lewis or GK Chesterton.
i second mr troutman! my afternoons working wouldn't be so boring anymore cos of all this! Thanks mucho! ^-^