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Here are some more talks by Jewish convert Roy Schoeman. If you're interested, here's a quick 15 minute recap of his conversion story.

Westphalia, Mich. "The Catholic Church: Judaism Fulfilled" 3-18-06

"The Election of the Jews" -- First talk from NYC "Jews and the Church" Conference 3-19-05

"The Jews and the Second Coming" -- Second talk from NYC "Jews and the Church" Conference 3-20-05

"Was it so 'Odd of God to Choose the Jews'"? Washington D.C. Conference 12-11-04 (55 min)
(note: entire conference, featuring talks by Jewish Catholics Ronda Chervin, Mark Drogin, David Moss, and Roy Schoeman, is available from St. Joseph Radio)

The Jews, the Holocaust and the Second Coming (62 min) -- full talk to Conference 5-21-05

The Jews and the Second Coming (35 min) -- short talk to Peabody, MA Prayer Group

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