POSTED BY on 5:12 AM under ,
Here are a few talks from the Catholic Sermon Series. They're part of a series given at a mission. A reader recommended them but I haven't had a chance to listen. Let your thoughts be heard in the comment box!

I just listened to the Prelude and I thought it might be worth noting that (1) this is a traditionalist talk and (2) a few things don't sound quite right. One thing would be his statement that Catholics and Muslims don't worship the same God -- there are ways this could be understood as correct, and ways that it's expressly contrary to the Church's teaching. Another would be his statement, citing St. John Vianney, that a particular species of sin confessed three times ceases to be absolved -- and that's just plain wrong. That said, there are a number of things he says (at least in the Prelude) that need saying and need to be heard; please listen.

2007-03-15 (Mission) On Heaven 53:35 6.1 MB
2007-03-14 (Mission) On Hell 93:18 10.7 MB
2007-03-13 (Mission) On Judgement 120:14 13.8 MB
2007-03-12 (Mission) On Death 64:24 7.4 MB
2007-03-11 (Mission) Prelude to the Mission 37:32 4.3 MB
6 comments so far:
    Anonymous November 16, 2007 at 11:17 AM , said...

    I hope you get a chance to listen to these mission talks soon - they helped get me through a rough patch a few months ago - I am a big fan...

    More still sermons can from another great priest - Fr. Wolfe, FSSP - at the website of origin:

    Unknown September 6, 2009 at 2:17 PM , said...

    This was not what I expected from a Catholic Priest he states that Katrina was retribution for New Orleans as was the Sunami in Thailand retribution for evil places. He also said Masons worship Satan. I checked with priests in my area and they could not believe a Priest would say these things. Sets the Catholic church back. God Bless Pat

    Anonymous February 15, 2014 at 2:06 PM , said...

    Since these are free can I put them on a CD and give them to friends? With a link to the source.

    Anonymous February 19, 2015 at 11:19 AM , said...

    "One thing would be his statement that Catholics and Muslims don't worship the same God -- there are ways this could be understood as correct, and ways that it's expressly contrary to the Church's teaching."

    Catholics and Muslims do not worship the same God. Muslims deny the divinity of Christ. The Muslim God is not a father either, he is more like a slave master.

    I'm also willing to give the benefit of the doubt to this priest on the confession issue too.

    Unknown October 13, 2017 at 9:35 AM , said...

    What are you talking about? Catholics and Muslims do Not worship the same God.....its defide that every human in order to be saved must believe in the Most Holy Trinity and in the Incarnation of the Son of God as fully human and fully God and died on the cross to redeem the human race.

    James Athanasius Bond July 17, 2018 at 4:37 PM , said...



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