"Catholicism and Campus Life."
This is the first Catholics' Society weekly talk of the year and is given by alumnus Father Scott Deeley.
Download [13.2Mb] 20/09/06
"Believing in God in an Age of Science."
Fr. Roger Nesbitt speaks on what has become a very controversial issue in recent times.
Download [23Mb] 27/09/06
"Are we anything more than clever chimps?"
Developing on theme of faith and reason alumnus Fr. Hugh MacKenzie explores the alternative to this popular view.
Download [14.9Mb] 04/10/06
"The Disaster of Sin and the Plan of God."
A regular speaker at Canmore Fr. Michael John Galbraith, discusses an important issue for all Christians.
Download [16.4Mb] 11/10/06
"Divine Revelation: God Speaks to His People."
Our Chaplain Brian Canon Halloran gives this talk on crucial subject for our faith.
Download [19.9Mb] 18/10/06
"Jesus Christ: Master key to the Universe."
Fr. Luiz Ruscillo from Lancaster Diocese speaks on the centre of our beliefs. (Apologies the first five minutes of this recording were lost due to file corruption.)
Download [14.9Mb] 25/10/06
"The meaning of The Cross today."
Fr. Paul Francis Spencer who is a Passionist Priest, rector of Saint Mungo's Church in Glasgow and Catholic Chaplain to Glasgow Caledonian University, is our speaker before Reading Week.
Download [18.2Mb] 29/10/06
"The Church: Man's living link with God."
Fr. Tim Finigan returns to give a talk on a fundamental concept in Catholicism.
Download [21.8Mb] 15/11/06
"The Sacraments: do we really need them?"
Fr. Paul Brooks explains the important place of the sacraments in the life of a Catholic, this talk will be of great interest to Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
Download [21Mb] 22/11/06
"The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Why do we go?"
Fr. Gerry Byrne speaks on another fundamental aspect in the life of a Catholic, particularly relevant in an age of poor Mass attendance.
Download [11.6Mb] 29/11/06
"Our Lady: Mother of Christ and Mother of us all"
Our Catholic Chaplain Brian Canon Halloran gives the final talk of the semester, on another perhaps neglected aspect of Catholic belief, one which receives much criticism from other denominations.
Download [17.9Mb] 06/12/06