That said, here are some talks (thanks to Phil Porvaznik) for those interested in the topic:
Phillip E. Johnson August 1991 Moody Open Line radio MP3
Kenneth R. Miller on Intelligent Design August 2005 Open Source radio MP3
Kenneth R. Miller at Case Western Reserve in Ohio January 2006 MP3
Denis Lamoureux on "Beyond the Evolution vs. Creation Debate" MP3
Francis Collins on Genetics, Evolution, and Christian Faith 2006 MP3
Zachary Moore Evolution 101 Podcast Collection MP3 (see www.DrZach.net)
Intelligent Design Panel Discussion Part 1 Fr. George Coyne and others MP3 (see AEI transcripts)
Intelligent Design Panel Discussion Part 2 Lawrence Krauss and others MP3
Krista Tippett interviews biographer James Moore on Charles Darwin MP3
Barry Lynn interviews Barbara Forrest on the Dover ID Trial MP3
Michael Shermer and Jonathan Wells on Why Darwin Matters and ID Debate MP3