Here's the
Catholic Forum Podcast. It looks really good - lots of conversion stories which, at their root, are always love stories. Here are some of the more interesting (to me) recent topics:
Wed, 12 March 2008 Experiencing the Holy Spirit's call of love as a young child, Deacon Dan Schneider, a convert to Catholicism, discusses his spiritual journey into the Deaconate. Hosted by Michelle Den Hartigh. Direct download: Episode_202.mp3Category: Conversion Stories -- posted at: 12:01 AM |
Wed, 5 March 2008 Co-hosts Phil Krill and Gary Coates discuss the culture of death as resulting from the death of Trinitarian theology. Direct download: Episode_204.mp3Category: Catholic Life -- posted at: 12:00 AM |
Wed, 20 February 2008 Catholic Deacon and convert Dan Schneider discusses the Vocaris and Retrouvaille programs which help married couples find fulfillment in their marital vocation. Direct download: Episode_203.mp3Category: Catholic Life -- posted at: 12:01 AM |
Wed, 6 February 2008 Jeannie Wernet, a convert to the Catholic Faith and mother of eleven children, discusses how Natural Family Planning increases loving spousal communication, strengthens marriage and is the pathway to God. Direct download: Episode_200.mp3Category: Conversion Stories -- posted at: 12:01 AM
Wed, 30 January 2008 Fr. Matt Barnum, a former Lutheran youth, becomes a Catholic priest; he describes his steps along the journey in this episode. Direct download: Episode_191.mp3Category: Conversion Stories -- posted at: 12:01 AM