Mark Shea writes:
First I get this email from Jeffrey Mark Ostrowski, a Liturgical Composer in Corpus Christi, TX:What if I told you that clicking a button would show you a Catholic website that contains (among other things) newly composed Catholic Responsorial Psalm scores based on Gregorian chant with Organ/Vocalist scores for the entire Catholic Liturgical year ??Meanwhile, somebody else sends me links recommending these:
And what if I further told you that these are offered ** COMPLETELY * FREE * OF * CHARGE ** to anyone who wants them, and the PDF scores can be downloaded *instantly *without even a login ??
* If I told you this, would you take five seconds to go check out the website, download PDF scores, and listen to the mp3 samples??*
* Guess what? It is true!!! No joke, and * absolutely * no strings attached.*
Here is the site
. . . and here are free Mass Parts for organ and voice:
*Who in the world would provide such a thing for absolutely no cost?*
Corpus Christi Watershed would !!! We are a 501(c)3 non-profit Catholic Institute dedicated to promoting the Catholic arts. Watershed Liturgical composer Jeff Ostrowski has composed more than 850 scores since August of 2007, and all offered online completely free of charge.
The project has been praised and recommended by several famous clerics, including two Bishops and Fr. George Rutler.
Here are two articles which explain the project in greater detail:
Finally, to show the compositional techniques employed to create this truly Sacred Music (which Pope Benedict wrote about when he was still Cardinal Ratzinger), please see this article:
If you want to learn more about me, please view this.
May Christ bless you 100,000 times for your kindness.
Now you know!