POSTED BY on 7:46 AM under
Here's a link to a site where you can stream Catholic music, including (but not limited to) Gregorian Chant and polyphony. Currently, they're playing music for Easter. Here's the site: Choral Treasures.

1 comments so far:
    Sunflowers April 19, 2009 at 6:56 PM , said...

    April 19-09

    Thank You to all that are responsible for this most magnificent 'Streaming Choral
    Treasures' Sacred music...

    I'm a Senior and of course
    living on a very limited
    income. I also have a number
    of medical conditions that
    prevents me from getting to
    Mass and so now since I found
    this glorious Sacred music on
    your site
    I am feeling as if I am
    sitting in the pew at Church
    not just on Sunday morning's
    but each day.

    There are not enough words
    to express my sincerest

    May God Bless Everyone of You.

    Sincerely Sandy


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