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From the Institute on Religious Life:

Since Vatican II, vocations to the priesthood and religious life have suffered greatly. But according to statistics recently released by the Vatican, the number of vocations worldwide has finally stabilized, and are, in fact, on the rise in certain parts of the world!

Why is not every country experiencing this reawakening and resurgence? Why haven't more young people, especially in countries like the United States and Canada, heard the call of Christ to "come follow Me"?

In this talk, "Myths and Misconceptions Concerning Vocations," you'll discover:

  • Why there is a shortage of vocations today
  • What Catholic families must do to "give birth" and nurture religious and priestly vocations
  • What are Satan's strategies to discourage vocations
  • Where youth can find positive encouragement to discern a vocation
"Myths and Misconceptions Concerning Vocations" (MP3 Download)
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