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Serrin Foster January 30, 2006.

On Monday, January 30, 2006, Stanford Students for Life hosted the president of Feminists For Life to present “The Feminist Case Against Abortion.” Cosponsored by the ASSU and the Speakers Bureau, this event informed the Stanford community about the history of pro-life feminism and how Feminists for Life advocates for pregnancy and parenting resources, particularly on college campuses with the new Elizabeth Cady Stanton bill. Addressing an audience of ninety-two people, president Serrin Foster emphasized Feminist philosophy as “nonviolence, nondiscrimination, and not using force to control another’s body” and cited her experiences in bringing pro-choice and pro-life students together at college campus pregnancy resource forums. McCarthy summarized the message of her speech: “By focusing on present day solutions she made an excellent case for a positive and practical way to move forward in this supercharged debate, while avoiding legal embroglio… She highlighted a path that is both practical and humane, and often forgotten - the care for and attention to those who are pregnant and need help.”

Listen to the 1.5 hr mp3 version here or read the official standard FFL transcript.
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