Prayers from Taizé, France
Prayers in Taizé
Alleluia - Slava tiebie Bože | | - Venite exultemus |
Behüte mich, Gott | | - Christe lux mundi |
Bóg jest miłością | | - Śpiewaj Panu |
Cantate Domino | | - Ubi caritas |
Da pacem cordium | | - Ubi caritas |
Dominus spiritus est | | - Christe lux mundi |
In manus tuas, Pater | | - Venite exultemus |
Jesus, remember me | | - Jubilate |
Mon âme se repose | | - Chants de la prière à Taizé |
Nada te turbe | | - Laudate omnes gentes |
Seigneur, tu gardes mon âme | | - Christe lux mundi |
The kingdom of God | | - Venite exultemus |
Tu sei sorgente viva | | - Venite exultemus |
Wysławiajcie Pana | | - Śpiewaj Panu |
A few minutes of prayer with song and a bible verse recorded live in Taizé, France. (Duration: approx 10 mins. Material recorded usually a few days prior to the publishing date.)