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The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis read by Rev. Hugh Thwaites SJ

After the bible, there is no sounder spiritual reading than The Imitation of Christ. It encourages us gently, yet with firmness, to follow Christ more faithfully, and shows us how to do it. Fifteen minutes a day would give us a balanced spiritual diet. Since it was written, early in the 15th Century, thousands of editions and translations have appeared.

Rev. Hugh Thwaites SJ The Imitation of Christ - Part 1 talk_HTImit1.mp3
Rev. Hugh Thwaites SJ The Imitation of Christ - Part 2 talk_HTImit2.mp3
Rev. Hugh Thwaites SJ The Imitation of Christ - Part 3 talk_HTImit3.mp3
Rev. Hugh Thwaites SJ The Imitation of Christ - Part 4 talk_HTImit4.mp3
Rev. Hugh Thwaites SJ The Imitation of Christ - Part 5 talk_HTImit5.mp3
Rev. Hugh Thwaites SJ The Imitation of Christ - Part 6 talk_HTImit6.mp3
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