POSTED BY on 12:08 PM under , ,
...well...some of them, anyway.

The Meditations from Carmel
podcast is brought to you from the Order of Carmel Discalced Secular
at the Carmel of St. Joseph in St. Louis, Missouri.
The short meditations in this podcast come directly from the treasury of writings of the great Carmelites, Saints, and Blesseds, Doctors and Lay including St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Therese of Lisieux, Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Teresa of the Andes, Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, St. Teresa Benedicta and many more. Do tune in.

On this page we have made a separate archive of our Meditations from Carmel Podcast as Mp3 files. Feel free to download them, blog about them, send them to a friend, listen to them while out walking, doing the dishes, whatever and whenever!
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