10:08 PM

this while surfin'.
The four scriptural rosaries-- Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries. The script was arranged by Eva M. Hite, edited by Fr. Jordan Hite, TOR (Franciscan Friars), and produced at Franciscan University of Steubenville. It is based on the Catholic Bible and is used with the permission of the U.S.C.C.B.1) Joyful Mysteries (remixed Jan 07) (24 MB -- right-click to download)
2) Luminous Mysteries (remixed Jan. 07) (24 MB-- right-click to download)
3) Sorrowful Mysteries (remixed Jan. 07) (17.3 MB-- right-click to download)
4) Glorious Mysteries (remixed Jan. 07) (15.7 MB-- right-click to download)
Dave in Detroit writes in:
Hello from Detroit
Here is a suggestion for a good talk on marriage with Father John Riccardo. The 4 goods of marriage, Permanence, Partnership, Faithfulness, Fruitfulness. I think there are over 250 talks now available on Fr John's website.
This man has had a great impact on my faith and I would like to share with others what we enjoy locally in metro Detroit, a true gift top the chuch...Fr. John Riccardo.
Fr. John Riccardo's RCIA Podcast
The 4 Goods of Marriage
This link is for an edited version(minus the pauses and dead air) of the Marriage talk by Fr. John Riccardo.
The 4 Goods of Marriage
I also found a short youtube clip on The Prodigal Son with Fr. John

This was the theme of a weekend retreat recently conducted by Fr Greg Homeming at Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville. In these talks Fr Greg reflects on St John of the Cross' profound insights into the human person and the soul. The talks have been divided into approximately 30 minute segments.
Talk 1a Talk 1b Talk 2a Talk 2b Talk 3a Talk 3b Talk 4a Talk 4b
Discalced Carmelites via reader James
HT to FlipCat (Filipino Catholic), wrote in and pointed me to the following links:
Christendom College Lectures
The John Salza (
bio here) talk, while short, has some good pointers.

In my experience, you get what you pay for with free audiobooks. That said, this was simply too much audio to pass up. Here are the current works by G.K. Chesterton available at Librivox (w/ HT to reader Dave K.):
Completed works
- 7 matches (7 completed) in 'Short Nonfiction Collections'
- 4 matches (4 completed) in 'Short Poetry Collections'
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Alarms and Discursions" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "All Things Considered" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Appetite of Tyranny, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Ball and the Cross, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Ballad of the White Horse, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Charles Dickens" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Christ Child Lay On Mary's Lap (also known as A Christmas Carol)" (in "Christmas Poetry and Hymn Collection") · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Christmas Carol, A (also known as The Christ Child Lay On Mary's Lap)" (in "Christmas Poetry and Hymn Collection") · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Club of Queer Trades, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Crimes of England, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Defendant, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Eugenics and Other Evils" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "George Bernard Shaw" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Heretics" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Innocence of Father Brown, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Irish Impressions" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Key of Apollo, The" (in "Short Mystery Story Collection 002") · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Lord Kitchener" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Man Who Knew Too Much, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Man Who Was Thursday, A Nightmare, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Manalive" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Miscellaneous Essays of G. K. Chesterton" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Miscellany of Men, A" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Napoleon of Notting Hill, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "New Jerusalem, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Orthodoxy" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Robert Browning" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Secret People, The" (in "Long Poems Collection 005") · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Short History of England, A" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Superstition of Divorce, The" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Tremendous Trifles" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Utopia of Usurers" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Varied Types" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "What I Saw in America" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "What's Wrong With the World" · (readers)
- Chesterton, G. K.. "Wisdom of Father Brown, The" · (readers)
Here's some Dr. Peter Kreeft goodness -- old Catholic Answers Live appearances.
BIOGRAPHY: Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at Boston College and at the King’s College (Empire State Building), in New York City. He is a regular contributor to several Christian publications, is in wide demand as a speaker at conferences, and is the author of over 55 books including Handbook of Christian Apologetics, Christianity for Modern Pagans, and Fundamentals of the Faith.
Feb 4, 1999 - Women and the PriesthoodNov 29, 1999 - HeavenMar 15, 2002 - Angels & Demons: Are They Real?Mar 19, 2004 - Philosophy: The Handmaiden of TheologyJan 22, 2010 - What's Philosophy Got To Do With It?*HT to Minnesota Greg for the heads-up!