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Shocking Beauty | 80:07 | 23.5MB |

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Shocking Beauty | 80:07 | 23.5MB |
Lenten Radio Retreat Archive, Year A | ||||
Cardinal Francis George, archbishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago leads us through this First Sunday of Lent. His 10-minute homily addresses the temptations Jesus was offered by Satan in the desert. In the question-and-answer segment Cardinal George speaks to how the story of these temptations relates to our everyday lives and how we can all find a way to experience this Lent in a more profound way. This week’s musical selection is “Beyond the Days” by OCP artist R. Manalo. |
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Erie Bishop Donald W. Trautman is our retreat leader for this Second Sunday of Lent. Our readings this week take us to the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain. Bishop Trautman helps us to understand the message Jesus was trying to send to his apostles with this magnificent vision of his divinity. Bishop Trautman expands on his homily and helps us to look at the message from this gospel in a personal way in the question-and-answer segment. This week’s musical selection is “Strength for the Journey” by WLP artist M.J. Poirer. |
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Savannah Bishop J. Kevin Boland invites us on this Third Sunday of Lent to deepen our commitment to the gospel. His 10-minute homily helps us to understand the true meaning behind why Jesus spoke to a woman, who was also a Samaritan, at the well. In the question-and-answer segment Bishop Boland brings to light the deep lesson that Jesus was teaching his disciples and us by “breaking the rules”. This week’s musical selection is “Come to the Lord” by OCP artists Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek. |
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Monterey’s Bishop Richard Garcia takes the gospel for this Fourth Sunday of Lent and demonstrates how God is reaching out to us with his healing touch. In his 10-minute homily Bishop Garcia points out the significance of performing this miracle and how it changed the lives of not only the blind man, but those all around him as well. In the question-and-answer segment Bishop Garcia shares a personal story of his own mother going blind and how that affected his family and their faith. This week’s musical selection is “The Love God Has for Me” by GIA artist Donna Peña. |
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Fort Wayne-South Bend Bishop John D’Arcy looks at two sides of Jesus we see when he is confronted with the death of his friend, Lazarus. Jesus is still truly divine but his truly human compassion for Lazarus is felt strongly in this gospel scene. In the question-and-answer segment Bishop D’Arcy looks deeper into the significance of Lazarus’ raising from the dead and the foreshadowing that it has with Jesus’ own death and resurrection. This week’s musical selection is “Take, O Take Me As I Am” by GIA artists Tony Alonso and Gabe Huck. -- WOO HOO -- That's MY Bishop!! |
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Auxiliary Bishop Daniel E. Flores of Detroit takes the gospel for this final Sunday of Lent and helps us understand the impact this Holy Week can bring to each one of us. In his 10-minute homily he challenges us to truly try to understand the deep love that God has for us by meditating on the passion of Jesus Christ. In the question-and-answer segment Bishop Flores gives us ideas about how we can begin to let God become a larger part of our everyday lives and find the deeper meaning of being a Christian in today’s society. This week’s musical selection is “I’ll Race You to the Tomb” by artist Karl Kohlhase. |
St. Francis as an animal and tree lover? Think again. Today we are honored to welcome to the SaintCast the Archbishop of Denver, Colorado, Charles J. Chaput, who is also a Capuchin Franciscan. Archbishop Chaput points to Francis as so much more -- a dynamic, charismatic leader and Church reformer of his time, who is a model for Church reform in all ages. He led by his humble example of following the Gospel "without gloss." He points to his Last Testament as particularly poignant written sentiments of Francis, read on the SaintCast today by Fr. Seraphim Beshoner, a Franciscan of the Third Order Regular. Franciscan music and more on today's special SaintCast in honor of the Feast of St. Francis. Feedback is welcome at 312.235.2278 or at Music by Johnny Proctor, "All Creatures of Our God and King," from University of Notre Dame Liturgical Choir,
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January 21, 2008
"Chastity: An Alternate Lifestyle" (MP3)
Recorded on January 21, 2008 at the Arlington Diocese's popular "Theology on Tap" program. This is an audio recording of Dawn Eden, Popular Author of "The Thrill of The Chaste."
January 14, 2008
"Reclaiming Our Priestly Character" (MP3)
Recorded on January 14, 2008 at the Arlington Diocese's popular "Theology on Tap" program. This is an audio recording of Rev. David. L. Toups, Associate Director, USCCB, Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations.
January 7, 2008
"Lights, Camera, Faith! A Catholic At the Movies" (MP3)
Recorded on January 7, 2008 at the Arlington Diocese's popular "Theology on Tap" program. This is an audio recording of Rev. James Searby, Parochial Vicar at Holy Spirit in Annandale.
November 19, 2007
"The Mass: What's That Guy Doing Up There?" (MP3)
Recorded on November 19, 2007 at the Arlington Diocese's popular "Theology on Tap" program. This is an audio recording of Rev. Bjorn C. Lundberg, Parochial Vicar at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Arlington.
November 12, 2007
"Annulments: Catholic Divorce?" (MP3)
Recorded on November 12, 2007 at the Arlington Diocese's popular "Theology on Tap" program. This is an audio recording of Rev. Dennis W. Kleinmann, Pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Old Town Alexandria.
November 5, 2007
"What Women Really Want" (MP3)
Recorded on November 5, 2007 at the Arlington Diocese's popular "Theology on Tap" program. This is an audio recording of Mrs. Mary Stanford, a professor at Christendom College in Front Royal.
October 29, 2007
"I Confess: Why Confess?" (MP3)
Recorded on October 29, 2007 at the Arlington Diocese's popular "Theology on Tap" program. This is an audio recording of Rev. Jerome Magat, Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of Lourdes and founder of the Guadalupe Free Clinic in Colonial Beach, VA.
Oct. 19, 2005 | "Truth and Myth: Unlocking the Lord of the Rings" |
Oct. 20, 2005 | "Creator, Creation and Creativity: Understanding Tolkien's and Lewis' Philosophy of Myth" |
Oct. 21, 2005 | Forum with Joseph Pearce, Russell D. Moore, James Parker, and Jim Orrick—Part 1 |
Oct. 21, 2005 | Forum with Joseph Pearce, Russell D. Moore, James Parker, and Jim Orrick—Part 2 |
An update to posts here and here, I have added audio shows 12-16 from Spirit Catholic Radio with Dr. Thomas Hilgers, founder of the Pope Paul VI Institute for The Study of Human Reproduction. A summary - Contraception increases out-of-wedlock pregnancy rates. A doctor will give the pill for menstrual cramps and in the back of the doctor’s mind he will say “and she won’t get pregnant.” Dr. Hilgers discusses the HPV vaccine. Artificial Reproduction Technology - Are we ever going to find a cure for infertility? If we continue down the artificial road we will never find a cure because it is not interested in the causes. About 6.2 million women have some type of impaired infertility. The causes of recurrent miscarriages. What is endometriosis and the treatment and causes. The pharmaceutical industry is not a friend of the NaProTechnology treatments, but some Compounding Pharmacists are interested. (Click Links to listen.)
Show 12: Teens and the Birth Control Pill
Show 13: Artificial Reproduction Technology
Show 14: Women Healed- Infertility
Show 15: Women Healed- Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
Show 16: Women Healed- Endometriosis
AVERY CARDINAL DULLES, S.J. LECTURES | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The ChristLife podcast had an interview with one of my favorite preachers - Fr. Robert Barron. I'm looking forward to giving it a listen. CL8 - Let the Language of Faith be on Your Lips - part 2 |
Direct download: Podcast_7.mp3 |
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Respect Life Director Mary-Louise Kurey interviews guests Joe Schiedler, Ann Schiedler and Wayne Smith.
Aired: 1/2/2008 Download Show (21212280 bytes)
Respect Life Director Mary-Louise Kurey talks with Fr. Tad Pacholczyk about Bio-Ethics and the recent breakthrough in stem-cell research.
Aired: 12/5/2007 Download Show (20276696 bytes)
Respect Life Director Mary-Louise Kurey discusses the upcoming March For Life in Washington DC in January and post abortion healing for men. Her guests in this hour are Jeremy Hylka and Vicki Thorn.
Aired: 11/7/2007 Download Show (20396244 bytes)
Respect Life Director Mary-Louise Kurey talks with Chris Godfrey, the scheduled keynote speaker at the upcoming Respect Life Dinner.
Aired: 10/18/2007 Download Show (14463687 bytes)
Host Mary-Louise Kurey, Director of the Respect Life Office, talks with David Bereit about Respect Life Month and the 40 Days for Life. Later she interviews Rob Kaczmark of Spirit Juice Radio about the upcoming Life Night rally with Jason Evert.
Aired: 9/5/2007 Download Show (12626982 bytes)
Respect Life Director Mary-Louise Kurey discusses outreach to expectant mothers in need with Peter Breen. In the second half of the show she talks to Mitch Striedl and Adrienne Curry about their recent mission trip to Zambia.
Aired: 8/1/2007 Download Show (11124078 bytes)
Fr. John Hannigan, USMC Chaplain, is the guest of this special Independence Day broadcast of LifeTalk. Join host Mary-Louise Kurey, as she interviews Fr. Hannigan, learning what life is really like for our troops in Iraq. Fr. Hannigan is a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago, who went through the seminary system in Chicago, and proudly serves the spiritual needs of service men and women in the United States Marines.
Aired: 7/4/2007 Download Show (12228302 bytes)
Respect Life Director Mary-Louise Kurey discusses the crisis facing Title V federal funding for abstinence education and what people can do to make a difference with Libby Macke, Executive Director of Project Reality, a national abstinence education organization. Also, nationally-renowned speaker and Scripture scholar Jeff Cavins will discuss an exciting new Bible study for teens and the upcoming conference "Called to Lead" taking place in mid-July at Dominican University.
Aired: 6/6/2007 Download Show (12551897 bytes)
Respect Life Director Mary-Louise Kurey interviews Zachary Wichmann, Associate Director of the Catholic Conference of Illinois, about the Catholic Conference's opposition to HB 317. This bill would gut the Illinois Parental Notification Act by permitting a minor to get an abortion without notifying a parent, grandparent or legal guardian. Later in the program, Kurey has a conversation with Angela Colarelli who promotes modesty among teens, discussing the "Pure Fashion" show held on Sunday, May 6th at the Chicago Hilton.
Aired: 5/2/2007 Download Show (12654908 bytes)
Mary-Louise Kurey, director of the Respect Life Office, interviews Bob Gilligan, Executive Director of the Catholic Conference of Illinois, discussing the most recent developments in Illinois’s Parental Notification Act. In the second half of the show, an Illinois mom share’s shocking testimony of how her daughter, unbeknownst to her, was taken to get an abortion, and the trauma the family has experienced since, precisely because of the lack of Parental Notification.
Aired: 4/4/2007
A fabulous recap of the exciting January 2007 events, particularly the March for Life Pilgrimage to Washington, D.C., as well as Speak Out Illinois, are presented by Respect Life Director Mary-Louise Kurey. Manczko-Breen shares a preview of the exciting March 3rd Coordinator’s Conference, including the exciting speakers and topics for the event that drew over 400 participants. Also, Bob Gilligan, Executive Director of the Catholic Conference of Illinois, gives the latest updates on the Parental Notification Act.
Aired: 2/7/2007 Download Show (12939821 bytes)
In this pre-recorded show, Mary-Louise Kurey, Director of the Respect Life Office, discusses the Annual Roe vs. Wade Anniversary and March for Life Activities with Joe and Ann Scheidler of Pro Life Action League, as well as the February Speak Out Illinois Conference. Later in the program, the Bible Study aimed at brining healing for post-abortive women is discussed, as well as the small groups that will facilitate this endeavor.
Aired: 1/3/2007 Download Show (12695524 bytes)
Mary-Louise Kurey, Director of the Archdiocese of Chicago's Respect Life Office along with Fr. Paul Stein, associate pastor at Holy Name Cathedral and Active Member of the RLO Priest's's Advisory Board cohost this month's edition of Lifetalk. Guest Bishop George Rassas talks about his experience at the march last year, mentions that the Cardinal will be present this year, and encourages folks to come. Guest Alicia Torres talks about Authentic Feminism and how it relates to the March for Life.
Aired: 12/6/2006 Download Show (12680750 bytes)
Mary-Louise Kurey, Director of the Archdiocese of Chicago's Respect Life Office and host of Lifetalk, speaks with Gianna Jessen about her life as a survivor of an abortion.
Aired: 11/1/2006 Download Show (12461157 bytes)
Mary-Louise Kurey, Director of the Archdiocese of Chicago's Respect Life Office and host of Lifetalk, speaks with Thomas Brejcha, Esq./Thomas More Society and Yvonne Florczak-Seeman/Love From Above about "Parental Notification" in Illinois.
Aired: 10/4/2006 Download Show (12227614 bytes)
Today's show features Jason Evert
Aired: 9/6/2006 Download Show (18805886 bytes)
Get the interview.I did an interview with a Catholic radio show last Friday that focused pretty hard on assisted suicide, futile care, eugenics, hospice, and bioethics. It was a call-in show and a couple of hospice nurses called offering some interesting comments. If you want to hear me spout hot air and emit particulate matter like I do in writing here, tune in to this rebroadcast.
L’adoration de la Croix (Office du Vendredi Saint)
1. Tractus: Domine audivi auditum tuum
2. Tractus: Qui habitat in adiutorio altissimi
3. Impropères: Agios o Theos, Sanctus Deus
Messe de Saint Marcel (Pope St. Marcellus I)
4. Introitus: Statuit ei Dominus
5. Graduale: Inveni David servum meum
Verset: Nichil proficiet
6. Alleluia
Verset: Disposui Testamentum
Verset: Inveni David
7. Offertorium: Veritas mea
Verset: Posui adiutorium
Verset: Misericordia mea
1. Alleluia: V. O Pimenon ton Israhil
2. Introït: Resurrexi
3. Gradual: Hec dies: V. Confitemini Domino / Dicat nunc Israhel
4. Alleluia: V. Pascha nostrum / V. Epulemur / Alleluia
5. Offertory: Terra Tremuit: V. Notus in ludea / V. Et factus est in pace / V. Ibi confregit
6. Alleluia: V. Epi si kyrie
7. Communion: Pascha nostrum
by G.K. Chesterton
An English epic poem that follows the exploits of Alfred the Great in his defense of Christian civilization in England from the heathen nihilism of the North. Following a string of defeats at the hands of the invading Danes, a vision from heaven in the river island of Athelney fills Alfred with joy and hope. Though it gives no promise of victory in the coming struggle, it inspires him to rally his chieftains for a last stand against the invading hordes. His adventures lead throughout the country as he gathers his men, and take him through the Danish camps disguised as a minstrel before culminating in the Battle of Ethandune and the prophesying of the enemy’s subtle return in the ages to come. (Summary by Joshua B. Christensen)
Total running time: 1:54:57
Read by Joshua B. Christensen
mp3 and ogg files
Listen to Dr. Rob Hansen's interview on Eagle Forum Radio
If you were unable to listen to Dr. Robert Hansen's interview on Eagle Forum Radio, we have audio recordings available for download. Because the interview was almost one hour in length, we have divided it into two separate files to make it easier to download.
Please note that these are relatively large files. Part I is 8.7 mb, and Part II is 9.5 mb. If you are on a dial-up connection, these files will take approximately 30 minutes each to download. The files have been saved in the MP3 format.
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