on 10:36 PM
A friend of mine was recently involved in the development and distribution of the first iTunes app that we know of with a Imprimatur (from Bishop Kevin C. Rhodes of the Diocese of Ft. Wayne / South Bend -- GO IRISH!).
He gave me a code to get it for free but I couldn't figure it like a high roller I spent the $1.99 and bought the app. [/disclosure statement].
Let me tell ya', it was money well spent.
The App is called "Confession: A Roman Catholic App" and it is suitable for an iPod, iPhone or iPad.
The whole purpose of
the App is to help you make the most of this sacrament. Depending on the details you put into your password-protected account (age, sex, vocation and station in life), it will alter your examination of conscience accordingly. There are examinations for kids, singles, married folks, priests and religious, and even one for the elderly. You can even customize it and add any questions to your examination you find helpful. It will keep track of your last confession as well as any sins you tell it you've committed. It has several acts of contrition, including the older form I use and an even older one in Latin.
Finally, there's a spiritual quote that appears when you hit "finish" from a Saint or Doctor of the Church. It's a nice touch.
The interface is simple:

All in all, if this is the kind of thing that will be helpful to you in your spiritual life, I recommend it. It's simple, it's orthodox, it's easy to use, it allows for multiple accounts on the same device (each with their own numerical password), it has a few basic prayers, and - in short - it's exactly the kind of extension into the cybersphere that Catholics need. If you decide to
buy the app, leave them a review on iTunes -- it will bump them up so they get noticed by more folks.
Good job, Chip! Keep 'em coming!
Fr. John Riccardo, a favorite here at the show, provides the following homily. Would that all Catholic parishes heard the same.
While addressing a congregation including Confirmandi and their sponsors, Fr. Riccardo asks, "What does it mean to live as a disciple of Jesus?" On this anniversary of the U.S Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, Fr. John reminds the congregation of the dignity, value, and innate worth of every human life
Direct download: Homily012211.m4a
on 9:26 PM
Here's something I stumbled upon whilst scouring the interwebs on your behalf (source
here). It's by an Orthodox metropolitan (who was apparently speaking at a Lutheran community -- how's that for ecumenical?!?). The meat-and-potatoes:
On November 5, 2010, His beatitude Metropolitan Jonah traveled to Grace Lutheran Church, in Tulsa Oklahoma, where he had been invited to speak on Orthodox Christian Spirituality. His talk, entitled "Do not react, do not resent, keep inner stillness" is now available for online distribution. Please enjoy both the video and audio only versions on his wonderful speech.
Do not react, do not resent, keep inner stillness from Andrew Johnson on Vimeo.
Audio Only -->
Click here to download "Do not react, do not resent, keep inner stillness".
Michael from
Public Vigil wrote in and informed me of the following. Me, in my delinquence, failed to post this before Christmas began. The good thing about Catholic Christmas? I'm still in the octave! It counts! ;0)
I have a pro-Life song with a Christmas theme that I would appreciate if you could share with your readers. You can find HERE it at my blog.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!

Phil Krill,
bio here and image right, has given a series of talks and has put them online for your spiritual growth. Here's a
link to the full catalog. In the following post, however, he offers studied reflections on how to approach the Trinity.
Personhood, Relationship, Trinity - Divinely Human Love
Central to our understanding of love, personhood and relationship, the Trinity is not only the model but the source, the wellspring which creates and enables divinely human love.
Click here to download.
9:47 PM

Here are two talks on St. Joseph.
The Holiness of Saint Joseph, much of this talk was taken from the book
The Life and Glories of Saint Joseph.
St. Joseph, the Man Chosen by God.St. Joseph, Patron of Fathers, pray for us!