A Blogger and the Blessed Mother | Mark Shea, interviewed by Carl E. Olson | Ignatius Insight | June 24, 2009
Carl E. Olson, editor of Ignatius Insight, talks to Mark Shea, well-known blogger, author, and apologist, about Mary, Mother of the Son, Mark's three-volume exploration of the Marian dimension of Catholic thought, life, prayer, and practice.
In this 47-minute interview, Mark talks about his Marian trilogy, misconceptions about Marian beliefs, and Marian devotions, as well as the life of an established blogger and budding actor.
Signed copies of Mary, Mother of the Son can be ordered through Mark's website.
Listen to mp3 audio file (47 minutes):
• RIGHT CLICK to download the mp3 audio file (21.5 megs)

Dr. Scott HahnThank you for listening to the National Fellowship of Catholic Men Online Media Network. Our mission is to encourage the conversion, formation and mobilization of Catholic men. For more information visit www.catholicmediaonline.org .
Click the button below to play podcast:Download | Duration: 00:43:49
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This upload was made available to the National Fellowship of Catholic Men Online Media Network free of charge by Saint Joseph Communications.

Click the button below to play podcast:
Download | Duration: 00:58:09

Thank you for listening to the National Fellowship of Catholic Men Online Media Network. Our mission is to encourage the conversion, formation and mobilization of Catholic men. For more information visit www.catholicmediaonline.org .
On May 19th, Fr. Riccardo spoke to the Men's Fellowship Group of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish concerning the faith challenges that young men and women face during their college years. In this talk titled Faith Under Attack, Fr. John offers his insight.
Don't forget to subscribe to this podcast so that it is automatically downloaded to your computer!
Click the box below to listen to the podcast.Download | Duration: 00:52:17

Some months ago, John Jansen of Generations for Life traveled to Lansing and gave a great presentation for our high school club Homeschoolers 4 Life. He taught the teens how to present the pro-life position in a way that is both charitable and convincing to pro-choice advocates. The teens loved it. The parents loved it.
I am so excited to announce that John will now be taking that same presentation to teens and parents across the country via an online seminar (webinar). You can attend the webinar for free through Homeschool Connections on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at 8:30 PM Eastern time.
If you have not yet experienced a webinar, you've got to give it a try. You'll be able to hear and see John live as well as his presentation. You'll also be able to communicate with him and other attendees via an organized chat. It's much like attending a live conference only you'll be in the comfort of your own home. No gas tank to fill, no parking space to find and you don't even have to dress up! So simple, yet so rewarding.
John's talk is titled: Making the Case for Life:Have you ever been in a conversation about abortion and found yourself struggling to defend your pro-life beliefs?
"Making the Case for Life" looks at the most common arguments used by abortion advocates use and explains how to respond from a pro-life point of view.
This presentation is geared toward teenagers and adults.
This webinar is brought to you at no charge thanks to the sponsorship of Generations for Life and Pro-life Action League.

Letter & Spirit with Dr. Scott Hahn & Mike Aquilina
Letter & Spirit: Episode 01
Letter & Spirit: Episode 02
Letter & Spirit: Episode 03
Letter & Spirit: Episode 04
Letter & Spirit: Episode 05
Letter & Spirit: Episode 06
Letter & Spirit: Episode 07
Letter & Spirit: Episode 08
Letter & Spirit: Episode 09
Letter & Spirit: Episode 10
Letter & Spirit: Episode 11
Letter & Spirit: Episode 12
Letter & Spirit: Episode 13
Lord Have Mercy: Episode 01Mary and the Saints
Lord Have Mercy: Episode 02
Lord Have Mercy: Episode 03
Lord Have Mercy: Episode 05
Hail, Holy Queen
Scott Hahn with Mother Angelica and Raymond Arroyo on EWTN's "Mother Angelica Live," 4/25/01)
Medicine of God's MercySacraments and Covenant
Dr. Scott Hahn - Rome 2008
(A talk that Dr. Hahn gave to the seminarians at the Pontifical North American College.)
Letter and SpiritThe Gospel According To Saint Paul
Scott Hahn with Bruce McGregor on KVSS Spirit 88.9, 11/15/05
Letter and Spirit
Scott Hahn with Bruce McGregor on KVSS Spirit 88.9, 11/15/05
Week 1 - “Saint Paul Called or Converted?” (Part 1)
Week 1 - “Saint Paul Called or Converted?” (Part 2)
Handouts:Week 2 - “The Word of the Cross and The Wisdom of God”
St. Paul Timeline [.pdf]
St. Paul Outline [.pdf]
Read: 1st Corinthians 1 & 2Week 3 - “1st Corinthians 3 & 4”
Pope Benedict XVI on
St. Paul’s Biography [.pdf]
St. Paul’s Conversion [.pdf]
Read: 1st Corinthians 3 & 4Week 4 - The Corinthian Church: The Temple of God
Pope Benedict XVI
On Paul, an Apostle of Christ [.pdf]
Read: 1st Corinthians 10 Handouts: Pope Benedict XVI On Paul’s Dealings with Peter [.pdf]

So, naturally, I gave the first talk a listen. In short -- awesome. I was listening to the Marriage and Sexuality Series, and if you don't know the Theology of the Body at all then this is the talk for you. If you DO know the TOB, this is a good refresher and there are a few analogies I'll bet you haven't heard. Lots of borrowing from Christopher West and Janet Smith, who get it all from JPII (who gets it from Tradition), but some good original stuff, too.There are some good mp3s from the assistant pastor at our parish at http://www.4shared.com/u/qqkggkz/7e071de5/Fr_Faulkner.html
He has a series there for mothers, a series on marriage (from his marriage preparation series to which all married parishioners were invited) and some of his homilies.
Thanks again for putting together this website.
Do yourself a favor and check it out -- oh, and don't forget the Power Point!

Couple of folks sent in tips pointing to the following free audio. I've got a Lighthouse Catholic Media parish near my house with a convenient mass time (and I always pick up CDs when I'm there), and I can tell you that they're producing some wonderful stuff. If you don't know who Lighthouse Catholic Media is or if you don't evangelize because you're shy, do check out the kiosks as an option for reaching hearts without saying a word.
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Lighthouse Catholic Media, NFP - 303 E. State Street - Sycamore, IL 60178 - 1-847-488-0333 |

Now I know we're a few days in already, but you've gotta' hear some of these:
056 08-05-12 Octaves – Fr. Z rants & Augustine on Pentecost – PENTECOST MONDAY
057 08-05-13 John Paul II on the unforgivable sin; Our Lady of Fatima and the vision of Hell – TUESDAY
058 08-05-14 Ember Days; Chrysostom on St. Matthias; Prayer to the Holy Spirit – WEDNESDAY
059 08-05-15 Leo the Great on Pentecost fasting; Benedict XVI’s sermon for Pentecost SundayTHURSDAY
060 08-05-16 Pentecost customs; St. Ambrose on the dew of the Holy Spirit – FRIDAY
061 08-05-17 Pope Leo I on a post-Pentecost weekday; Fr. Z rambles not quite aimlessly for a while – SATURDAY –
Here's a link to the rest of Fr. Z's stuff. Now go find out how much about Catholicism you still don't know...