Thanks to Fr. Z for the following:
In the past I have asked for prayers for, Philip Johnson, a seminarian with an inoperable brain tumor.
A reader alerted me to a video of a talk that he gave at Catholic High School called St. Thomas More Academy, in Raleigh, NC.
He covers four major points:
1. His conversion story. Not being a great Catholic in High School. Looked forward to fraternities and parties in college. Ultimately went to the Naval Academy. It was there that he went to Mass again and began feeling called to the priesthood. He explains this call and talks about time he spent in France, especially at Lourdes.
2. His vocation story which is ultimately intertwined with his cancer diagnosis and being released from the Navy.
3. Being diagnosed with a terminal and inoperable brain tumor and reacting to this news.
4. Embracing this cross and talking about the value of redemptive suffering.
Seminarian Philip Johnson from Deacon Watkins on Vimeo.
tonite i met with a mens prayer group. one of the members of the group spoke to me about redemptive suffering. I did not know what is was. I said I google it when I got home. I found this vidio by seminarian. It touched my heart. My daughter was diagnosed with brest cancer 2 1/2 years ago. At that moment my world came crashing down. I am very close to my daughter. She told the family that god has a reason for this. She asured all of us something good would come from it. The prayer group I meet with saw me get emotional tonite when I spoke of my daughter. When we spoke of redemptive suffering I had no idia I would see this vidio. It made it easy for me to relate to young seminarians story, through my daughter. Right now she is cancer free. Please pray for her. Her name is Amy Teal, a wife and a mother of 3 beautiful childred.
Beautiful witness ...
and yes dear GOD we pray for your son and this seminarian Phillip Johnson...and of Amy also ...I pray for your healing love to come down upon them both!
Thank you sweet Jesus !