Just FYI, there are some free e-books and MP3s up over at Bridegroom Press on some rather diverse topics. Presently, they have a few on Islam, a couple on the Da Vinci Code and several Theology of the Body lectures.
I don't know anything about her, but since I found her on the Semper Vita blog I'm positive she'll be top-notch (since the blog offers little else). Also speaking at the conference was Fr. Fessio - so that's another big assurance it will be worth listening to. Here are some links from an Australian student conference:
Two readers (thanks Dominic and Chris!) sent in links to audio archives - both with variously questionable content. The first is from Boston College and includes some talks by "Voice of the Faithful" (read: Heretical Horribles) folks, among other speakers of varying levels of orthodoxy. The second archive has talks by Protestants (and maybe some Catholics?) about religion, secular culture, public policy and science.
Make of them what you will, but they're expansive and here they are:
From the USCCB (via reader Wayne) come the Social Justice teachings of the Church:
Father Larry Rice is the Director of the St. Thomas More Newman Center, the center for Catholic Campus Ministry at Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. His work at the OSU Newman Center includes responsibility for the overall mission and vision of the Center’s staff of 16 and the campus’ Catholic community, and maintaining a professional focus on ecumenical and interfaith dialogue. Since 2000, Fr. Rice has been a weekly contributor to Catholic Radio Weekly (www.catholicradioweekly.com), the flagship radio program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Fr. Rice earned a Masters of Divinity from the Catholic University of America (1989), and a B.A. in General Arts and Sciences from the Pennsylvania State University (1983). He entered the Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle (the Paulist Fathers) in 1983, and was ordained a priest in 1989.
I promote this not only because it's a good cause in itself, but also because I'd like to see the online Catholic community become better organized when it comes to petitions like these. They do make a difference.
Today, LifeSiteNewsjoined the news organizations which have mentioned our efforts:
Although the Catholic University of San Diego (USD) came under fire for reversing their decision to appoint a radical feminist to an honorary chair in Theology, it has stood firm, and now two opposing petitions either supporting or attacking the decision are gathering support.
Thomas Peters of American Papist, with fellow blogger Brian McDaniel of the Ora et Labora blog, has organized a petition to support the University in its decision.
Much thanks to reader Karlton for informing me of his post here about the free professional Audiobook giveaway. I've downloaded their free audiobooks before (but I haven't in a while since it's mostly Protestant stuff) and they really are top notch. THIS OFFER EXPIRES AT THE END OF AUGUST, so get moving!
Here's Karlton's scoop:
Every month, ChristianAudio gives away a premium audiobook download for free. The free download for month of August is The Confessions of Saint Augustine, narrated by Simon Vance.
Among the most important classics in Western literature and one of the first autobiographies ever, Confessions is a “warts and all” account of Saint Augustine’s uncertainty and earthly desires. He recounts how he discovers and cherishes a relationship with his God as the last corrupt days of the Roman Empire come to a close.
The audiobook is narrated by Simon Vance, one of the most celebrated narrators today who has over 400 audiobooks under his belt. The translation is as accessible as any 4th century book I’ve read (seriously, it’s quite good).
Downloading the audiobook was simple and quick. I got to choose between mp3 and m4p, and the audiobook comes in 10 files of approximately 70 minutes each. The sound is crisp and clear, and I must confess: I’m highly impressed.
Again - GO GET IT! Even if you're not going to listen to it for a while, you're not going to get it free again!
...a bit about my political philosophy. Don't bother reading if you're easily offended or simply aren't interested in my personal views.
Got an e-mail from a very nice gentleman, who wrote (in relevant part):
[T]oday [on your site] I saw something that shocked me and rocked me.
I know you have served in the military.
And I mean no disrespect.
But when I saw the John McCain ad on your website my stomach turned.
I could never vote for Obama. I could never, for very similar reasons, vote for McCain.
To place an ad on your website presenting McCain as a candidate preferable to Obama tells me that you've fallen prey to the very type of bad thinking that your web links do so much to combat.
This, I imagine, is due to the "Lose the Zero" pic on the left-hand sidebar. Couple of points about that:
McCain and I went to the same school - Canoe U. That being the case, the guy starts pretty high with me. You don't leave Boat School without having some intestinal fortitude, discipline and honor unfortunately not-so-common in our time, and obviously lacking in the O-hole who is the Chosen One of the party of Moloch.
I'm rather underwhelmed with him as a choice for President. I liked him far more than Bush in 2000, but that was 8 years ago and a lot has changed since then (including me). I don't like him being divorced, I don't like his ESCR support, I don't like his position on "civil unions" for Sodomites or condoms as AIDS prevention, I'm willing to bet he tells misogynist jokes and I don't think he knows a fig about economics (which, given the current state of the union, could be very important from a social justice perspective).
Assuming the war was justified ab initio (a proposition you'd have some work justifying - and I was privy to much intel), we should have gone in at the beginning with an overwhelming force - the surge is/was the right answer, but was so ridiculously late in the game that only an idiot would think it's the wrong thing. Obama is that kind of idiot, and I'm terrified of the prospect of his being Commander in Chief.
While I'm not dumb enough to think that McCain actually cares about pro-life issues, I'm relatively certain he won't actively work to enshrine baby killing (unlike Obama). That becomes especially important when it comes to picking SCOTUS judges - and that's going to be a very common occurrence over the next four years. Oh, the lip-service thing goes double for whatever token nod he's made about supporting Bush's torture thing.
If McCain picks a pro-abortion VP, I'm going to have some serious issues to consider. I don't want the Republicans thinking they can win with pro-abort candidates, and heaven forbid McCain win and then die leaving a pro-abort in office...
So, anyway, that pretty much describes my current views. If you disagree, feel free to let me know in the combox and I promise to listen with an open mind. Unless you're an O-hole.
Back at ya' following a pleasant vacation with a nice surprise - a new conference featuring some spectacular speakers. Because conferences and bandwith and whatnot entails various costs, I'm also including their PayPal link (don't be confused - it's for them and not me! I have no need for your moneys. Heh.). If you like what you hear, please do consider shooting them a couple of bucks - you're supposed to be tithing anyway. ;0) Listen to the Conference
Donations go to St. Anthony of Padua Institute, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, to help offset the cost of the conference. Your entire donation is tax-deductible.
I'm taking the wife and kids on vacation for a week to Wally World. See ya' when I get back. If you need more Catholic audio between now and then, start by listening to anything/everything by Peter Kreeft. He'll blow your hair back. If you've already gone through all his stuff (or like me, gone through it all several times), you should try Fr. Hudgins, and particularly his lectures on the Doctors of the Church - truly edifying stuff. Finally, if you've gone through all that, too, be sure to check out St. Martha's in Kingwood, TX -- they continually develop their site making it far more user friendly and are constantly adding new mp3 lectures.
So...ok, then. Take care, and I'll see you folks in a week or so. God Bless!
Kate from Holy Innocents parish in the UK was kind enough to point me to Fr. Cantalamessa's talks - thanks much!
It's help like this which lets me continue to post even when I'm short on time. Since I expect to be short on time quite a bit in the near future, I'd encourage any and all of you who find free MP3s in your browsing to shoot me a quick e-mail and share them with the rest of the class.
In any case, do enjoy!
Raniero Cantalamessa is a Franciscan Capuchin Catholic Priest. Born in Ascoli Piceno, Italy, 22 July 1934, ordained priest in 1958. Divinity Doctor and Doctor in classical literature. Former Ordinary Professor of History of Ancient Christianity and Director of the Department of religious sciences at the Catholic University of Milan. Member of the International Theological Commission (1975-1981).
In 1979 he resigned his teaching position to become a full time preacher of the Gospel. In 1980 he was appointed by Pope John Paul II Preacher to the Papal Household in which capacity he still serves, preaching a weekly sermon in Advent and Lent in the presence of the Pope, the cardinals, bishops an prelates of the Roman Curia and the general superiors of religious orders. He is frequently invited to speak at international and ecumenical conferences and rallies. [More...]
19.02.2007 - Last 19 and 20 February I had the privilege of being invited to give two lectures on how to preach the Word to the Methodist Asbury Seminary in Kentucky. Here is the first lecture.
20.02.2007 - Last 19 and 20 February I had the privilege of being invited to give two lectures on how to preach the Word to the Methodist Asbury Seminary in Kentucky. Here is the second lecture. File type: mp3 - Language: English Play (15 MB)
The repentance
20.02.2007 - Last 19 and 20 February I had the privilege of being invited to give two lectures on how to preach the Word and some other talks to the Methodist Asbury Seminary in Kentucky.Here is a talk on repentance. File type: mp3 - Language: English Play (15 MB)
Here's some stuff I've been checking out while not blogging. First, there are a couple of talking heads discussing sex selective abortion at the NYTimes:
The older, battle-worn feminist apparently hasn't considered the downside of unfettered "choice"...when you say no one can judge a woman's reasons for an abortion, that includes the unbelievably insidious form of discrimination which is sex selective abortion -- against abortion victims, the maternal survivors, and the generational compatriots of those women aborted. More proof that abortion hurts everyone and it's never just a "private thing".
Will the lesson be learned? Not yet. Maybe in 40 years when we have childbrides, increased prostitution, and no women left in the workforce because they're all forced to be at home in a one-size-fits-all matriarchal mold, which is more or less the supply-and-demand answer to fewer women.
Speaking of the self-imposed discrimination against women which is the Feminist Movement, I've also been reading The Pornification of Girlhood. It's a must read for anyone who even considers the notion that feminism has been good for the modern woman. It's long, but completely worth the read. For those still interested after that read, do follow Genevieve's blog Feminine Genius, wherein authentic femininity is explored.
So that's about what I've been up to. I've also been talking with the Building Cathedrals gals about some web design stuff -- good folks, them. A bunch of Princeton educated mommies who are faithful to the Church makes for a blog well worth reading.
Ok. Enough women stuff.
Lessee....what else...
Oh, for those interested in Sacred Music, you might check out the Alan...er...I mean Robert Parsons Project. Here are some samples from there:
The session on Catholic Core Theology was taught by Cynthia Fischer, who serves as DRE at St. Patrick Parish in Lodi and St. Michael Parish in Dane. Cindy is also Coordinator of Curriculum and Catechist Development for the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis of the diocese.
Audio Recordings (.wma format) Due to the generosity of David Stiennon and the Madison Serra Club, audio recordings of this day's activities are available here. If you would like to purchase a copy of this four-CD audio set for $20, please call the OEC at 608-821-3160.
This blog is dedicated to bringing you free orthodox Catholic audio. If you have a tip or would like to report a broken link, please e-mail me by clicking the link above.
"Faith then cometh by hearing; and hearing by the word of Christ."
Rom 10:17(DRV)
If you see a product review on this site it's because the Catholic Company is giving me stuff to do it. They don't ask me to be kind, but I do get stuff. FYI.