on 10:56 PM
So LIFE magazine and Google have teamed up and have made a photo archive of LIFE photos from the mid 1800s until the present. Below is one that caught my eye (look closely at the center of the rose pedal -- click the image for the high resolution version):

To search the archive, simply search Google and enter the following in the box:
Sample search I did here.
"Words to be searched" source:LIFE
Sample search I did here.

Sorry, but no picture shows up in your post. :(
Odd. I just checked it on two different browsers and I was able to see the picture just fine. Do you think the problem could be on your side?
God Bless,
I'm also not seeing the photo. I checked it in two browsers (FF and Safari on Mac OS X). Can you post a link to the photo in the comments?
No photo here, either. :-(
Great resource. Thank you!
Wow! I see the picture so clearly. Why doesn't anyone else?
The Lady is clearly visible. Is it possible to know when and where this picture of the petal took place?
There's a place in Monterrey, Mexico, where tehese things happen daily... Our lady of Guadalupe, JesusCrist, the Sacred Heart, e.t.c. Of course, is a recognized oratory place, a private house.
I am amazed at defintely seeing Our Lady etched on the rose pedal. It reminds me of a lithograph superimposed on the rose pedal. Does anyone have information on when this was disovered? God Bless!
This is amazing! I have a picture that was given to me by a friend in Austin, Texas with the silouhette of a woman just like that in the petal.. Notice that she is holding a rosary in her hands. This is amazing!
The figure in the rose petal reminds me of the way our Lady appeared in Lipa, Philippines, the
year 1948. This appration was approved by the archbishop of Lipa in 2005. There were showers of petals with images of our Lady and
I believe this is from Lipa, a marian apparition site in the Phillaphines during the 1940's although i do know of several other mystics who have ths phenomena associated with them. Praise God!
This image is very clear of the Blessed Mother she holding a rosary in one hand and a scapular in the other.
I have seen a video on how this can be done. All that is necessary is to take a raised motif metal or small statue and press it into the back of the petal or leaf. It will impose the negative of the image on the petal. This would be amazing if it were true but it is really not that hard to do.
In snooping around the net, it appears this pic might be from the alleged Nacedah, Wisconsin apparition -- which was officially condemned as false by the Church. Here's a pic from Nacedah which looks like other pics from the LIFE collection where I found this one.
Sure looks neat, though...
God Bless,
Is that a fake or is that the real thing after seeing our Blessed Mother from everything from toast and a tree. I'm sorry to say but i think that was a digital addition.
Yes, I can see Our Lady..
The rose petal is definitely from Lipa, Philippines. The Blessed Virgin reportedly appeared on several occasions to a Carmelite nun in 1947. During the alleged apparitions, signs occurred including the dancing sun and fresh rose petals "raining" from the sky. Many of the petals were mysterious impressed with images them - the one pictured is an exact depiction of how the Blessed Virgin was dressed and posed during her Lipa appearances.
The "Little Flower" St. Thresa appeared to a woman named Rhoda Wise on Jan. 8, 1940. She dropped seven fresh rose petals on her chest. Each petal had an image on it. She lived in Canton, Ohio. Our Blessed Lord first appeared to her on May 28, 1939 and again on May 28, 1939, on this occassion the Little Flower was with him and she approached her bed and placed her hand on her abdomen which was diagiosed as cancerous. She received numerous visits from Jesus, St. Theresa. The seven rose petals had various images including Jesus, the Little Flower, and other saintly persons. This rose petal could be one of those.
The petal image shown was photographed from the Necedah, Wisconsin site...the picture was not photographed in the Philippines...if you take a look at all the photos from the whole collection you will see this claimed seer from Necedah could have received the petal from someone who obtained it from the Philippines, I don`t know.....but the photo was taken in Necedah, Wi....and as Ryan mentioned, that apparitional site was condemned by the Church......
Bless, LittleRed
I have seen this done by a man from the Philipines. I can't think of his name but he uses roses you bring, water you bring and hands the petals out to thousands of people. There is no way he can fake it. i got a picture of Jesus's face. Friends got other pictures. Also, an acquaintance has petals falling off her roses with images on them.
Little Red, the petal may be in Necedah but the origin of it is from Lipa. I am familiar with the Necedah Events. Both the Lipa and the Necedah apparitions occurred at roughly the same time. There were Lipa supporters who visited Necedah and tried to 'link' the two events because the Blessed Virgin allegedly indentified herself as the "Mediatrix of Grace" at both sites. The seer at Necedah was probably given the petal by one of the Lipa supporters, as I recall reading about it. The main difference between the two sites is that Necedah has been condemned by the Church while Lipa is actually in the investigative process, and in favorable standing with it's local diocese.
Here's a pic of a rose pedal from Lipa. And another. And another. Oh, and a site with a better rundown on the topic. From the site:
Although veneration of Our Lady Mediatrix of all Grace was permitted by Bishop Verzosa, the Philippine church hierarchy declared in 1951 that “there was no supernatural intervention in the reported extraordinary happenings including the shower of rose petals in Lipa.” Bishop Rufino Santos, who became apostolic administrator after Bishop Verzosa, ordered that 1) no petals be given to anyone by the Lipa Carmelite community; and 2) the statue of Our Lady of Mediatrix be withdrawn from public view.
While the committee of bishops appeared unanimous in their conclusion that Lipa was fraudulent, several of them confessed before they died that they too had been coerced, signing the negative "findings" only under threat of excommunication.
In 1992, Msgr. Mariano Gaviola, archbishop of Lipa, granted permission to display again the image of the Mediatrix of all Grace. In 1993, he declared his personal conviction that the Lipa apparitions were worthy of belief.
Make of it what your personal piety will suffer.
God Bless,
I have a white rose petal with the image of the Agony in the Garden from Brother Carmelo Cortez of the Phillipines. I attended his healing mass, and saw with my own eyes that the rose petals came from a bowl and had absolutely no image on them before he pressed it to my chest. My daughter received an image of the Blessed Mother with the infant Jesus on her petal. I know it is hard to believe but it is true.
This was made just to look like this. You will see this on ebay next. Just a money making tactic.
Here is a first hand account with pictures about an encounter with Brother Carmelo Cortez.
Like I said, let each believe according to his own piety. Since believing or disbelieving in various apparitions has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with salvation, there's no sense getting wrapped around the axle if someone believes or someone else doesn't. I just think these pedals are neat.
God Bless,
Oops. Forget to link to the testimonial (w/ photos). Here it is.
God Bless,
For those who believe no explanation is necessary.
Our Lady stood beside me and watched another crucifixion - who can doubt a Mother's love?
Great-Grandma M
I have several rose petals from Carmello Cortez of the Phillipines, they are amazingly different and I have a strong belief that Our Lady has gifted him with this grace, for all of us. Each time I have received one has been blessing of a different sort. They have been very personal to me, appropo to the situation I have been in at that certain time. Like Ryan said, let each believe according to their piety, it is not necessary to believe but oh such a gift if you do. Many apparitions can be suspect, but when you see the roses being torn apart in front of you, put into a bowl, then given out and the picture appears then I promise you it blesses you greatly. There is not any time for a stamping machine to work on these petals. I have seen non-Catholics see these and start to shake and cry on the spot, my friend started going back to her church after many years. Her whole family started to attend with her, this from seeing an image of St. Francis helping Jesus down from the cross. You can see the crown of thorns clear as day. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that God does bless us daily, during our turbulent times in many physical and real ways. Not all things are to believed in, but believe that, please.
I am not a Catholic but did have the experience with Brother Carmello in the Philippines on New Years Day 2006. The entire mass was performed in Tagalog (which I do not speak) and I had only been to a handful of Catholic masses to understand what was going on. I had gone into church that day to pray on a matter related to forgiving someone who had caused me great pain. The rose petal I received was an image related to The Prodigal Son.I actually neede to have someone explain the story to me since I was not familiar with it.I would have never believed it. I witnessed Brother Carmello pull fresh roses off of the altar and put them into a bowl. I really feel I have been part of a special moment in that church. In a side note, I have been reading of the Blessed Mother and carying Catholic prayer cards for years..and I was raised Presbyterian.I never understood why until that day.
In Copley Lounge on te Georgetown campus during my junior year, we heard a lecture about Lipa and were able to view at close hand an exhibit of roughlyfifty of the petals. While I cannot recall whether the image of the Virgin was identical to the one in the photo, every one of us did clearly see an image of the Blessed Virgin on each petal. The lecturer stated that scientific examination of the petals indicated they had not grown in nature, though I was given no precise citations for this claim. I'm trying to research that now.
An Old Hoya