As part of the New Evangelization, Father is undertaking an online subscription program to keep people informed through video downloads on a weekly basis and give us, his children, words of wisdom and strength for our times. Click here to see a short video of Father Corapi introducing his new program. The cost is about $10/month, but if you're not tithing (or could spare $10 to simply try it for a month) you should prayerfully consider supporting his apostolate.
If you would like to evangelize your fellow parishioners but don't quite know how, you could start an audio/video library at your parish (be sure to run it by your priest first, and volunteer to keep track of it!). Buy a few at a time (or a bunch if you can afford it) and put a notice in your bulletin saying that these are available. People might not read what's put out, but if there are CDs available you're rather likely to get folks listening on their commute.
In any case, below is an abbreviated version of his conversion story (with some details I hadn't heard before). Give it a listen, then ask yourself if God wants you to reach out and be reached through this holy priest.

Fr. Corapi is the best. He stands as a strong voice in defense of what is true and good.