A reader writes:
One statement of Fr. Mike's from an earlier entry got me hooked. Here it is:
I thought I'd give a heads-up to some more nuggets of gold that you may want to share with the rest of your fan/web-base. Fr. Mike Schmitz is a young, rock-solid, zealous, and hilariously relevant priest from the Diocese of Duluth in Minnesota. He is currently the chaplain at the University of Minnesota Duluth where his homilies have been recorded and put online. Being a young priest himself, and with a college-age audience, he preaches with a flavor and spunk that probably reaches the young adult crowd best, while still being worthwhile hearing for 25+ers. I have used his podcasted homilies in my classroom and my students have LOVED him. He preaches the truths of the faith (completely orthodox) and brings almost every homily around to Jesus in the Eucharist.
You can find Fr. Mike's audio files here:
http://umdnewman.blogspot.com/One statement of Fr. Mike's from an earlier entry got me hooked. Here it is:
"Peter starts walking on water. Even when he fails, even when he falls, and brothers and sisters we know this, we get called out of the boat. You’re going to do some amazing things in the power of Christ, but are you going to fail? Are we going to sin? ABSOLUTELY! What happens? Peter starts to sink, so what does Jesus do? He descends, He grabs him, catches him, and raises
him back up, because that's what Christ does. He descends in order to raise us up."
*HT to Greg - thanks for the help!

I really enjoyed listening to Fr. Mike. I usually get a little hesitant when I encounter a priest who tries to be 'hip' in order to appeal to the younger crowd. Fr Mike has great energy and is able to convey his message in a way that appeals to young and old. It doesn't come across as him trying to be 'hip' which is great. I will be looking forward to listening to what this young priest has to say in the years to come.
Dave- Detroit