on 7:17 AM
As a reminder, it's not too late to help out with 40 Days for Life. Prayer and fasting -- it's an anytime thing. Skip the dessert. Say a Hail Mary. God honors prayers, even the small ones. Here's a story Gerald from The Cafeteria is Closed points to:
These folks need your prayers.
We’re praying at Planned Parenthood at 29th and B Streets. St. Stephen's took the Wednesday shift and St. Joseph's in Auburn took Thursday. The parking lot of PP is well lit, and as an odd answer to our prayers, PP has hired a nighttime security guard, further insuring our protection throughout the night.
A young man named Hank who works at PP approached me today for the very first time. He began by saying, "I'm curious about something... Are you guys really going to be out here for 40 days? I said, "Yes." He continued incredulously, " mean all day and all night?" I answered "Yes" again. He responded, "Wow! That's amazing!" I told him how seriously we felt about this and he said, "Yeah, I know, I've been reading through the 40 Days web site."
He came closer and I took his hand, introducing myself. I told him we cared about him and he said, "Yeah, I know you do," looking me directly in the eye. His lunch break was about up, so he left to return to his job. Please keep Hank in your prayers.
At home, I received a long-distance phone call and a young woman's voice began, "Is this the 40 Days for Life hotline number?" Then, with great anger in her voice, she spoke for several minutes with this theme: "I'm a Christian, but I don't know how you people can judge women who are going in for abortions. You don't know anything about them! How dare you!”
This gave me an opening to tell my story, explaining that I had not always been pro-life, but actually helped my best friend obtain an abortion over twenty years ago, because that is what I thought a "best friend" would do. My friend has suffered tremendously, and I am very regretful for not helping her and her baby.
The woman’s anger gave way to sobbing as she described the "choice" she felt forced to make several years ago. "If someone had only helped me... I was so desperate," and "If I had only known how much it would hurt me, every day of my life, I wouldn't have done it". After about 20 minutes of conversation, she was very receptive to my suggestion that she contact Rachel's Vineyard Post-abortion Healing ministry – in Sacramento: (916) 733-0161, or on the Internet at A call that began with anger turned into a miracle by God's grace.