Ph.D. Marquette University. May, 1988. Religious Studies (Systematic Theology). Dissertation: "Miracles as a Sign of the Good Creation"
B.A. University of Minnesota, 1967. Major: Humanities.
Areas of Academic Interest
Theology and Science
Death and Afterlife
Muslim-Christian Dialogue
Catholic ecclesiology
Academic Positions Held
Chair: Theology Department, July, 2002-June, 2006
Professor, University of St. Thomas, Theology Department, Sept., 2003-
Associate Professor, University of St. Thomas, Theology Department, 1997-2003
Assistant Professor, University of St. Thomas, Theology Department, 1988-1997.
Univ. of St. Thomas, Maxi Grant, 1997-1998
Templeton Foundation: Templeton Course Award, 1996.
Univ. of St. Thomas Maxi Grant, Fall, 1993.
Univ. of St. Thomas Research Assistance grant; Summer, 1991.
Terence Nichols on how and why religion has become so privatized in America