George Weigel Keynote Address, John Paul II and the Holy Land - February 8, 2006
Streaming Windows Media (44mb)
Downloadable mp3 (66.5mb)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR An Evening with Fr. Benedict Groeschel - February 1, 2006
Streaming Windows Media (65mb)
Downloadable mp3 (80.6mb)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel on Fr. Solanus Casey
Streaming Windows Media (22.1mb)
Downloadable mp3 (22mb)
Rosalind Moss "Mary, Our Jewish Mother" - September 7, 2005
Streaming Windows Media (45.2mb)
Downloadable mp3 (45mb)
Francis Cardinal Arinze "The Centrality of the Holy Eucharist in the Christian Life" - Feb. 7, 2005
Presented at St. Peter the Apostle Parish, Naples, Florida
Streaming Windows Media (46.8mb)
Downloadable mp3 (46.5mb)